Sincerely curious. Are you frightened of dogs or/and cats? or did you used to be? If you have ever had this fear before, how did you overcome it?
No, never....I went to kiss a friend's dog once and got my eyelid half chewed in half and had to have plastc surgery....still was not afraid of them, but I did become a helluva lot more careful after that.
I don't particularly care for dogs. I've had bad experiences. My mom and all four of her sisters were bitten badly by different dogs. A dog once tried to bite my 2 year old niece while she was in my care, forcing me to kick it on the chin, I've been bitten on the face by a husky while I was sleeping, had neighbours pitbull bite my arm on several occasions, another friends pitbull bit me while I was smoking, great aunt's golden retriever bit me... I've met some real nice dogs, but I just don't care for dogs. I don't really like reptiles or birds either. I don't trust them. As for pets, I don't want a pet that's so big I would have a hard time killing it with my bare hands if it ever got mean. I'm aware that probably sound terrible, but that the way it is. I love cats.
Wowed by the tales im hearing. My fears are ril irrational. I dnt believe ive had a had experience with either a dog or cat. Though have always been fearful of them. Its mainlya fear of being scared of defending myself if thy tried to fight me. Its also def a fur rhing too. Find fur on living animals scary
Reptiles and birds....well thy have been on the earth for so long, are well travelled and snakes r associated withw being sly - thts a lil caution i may have. Wonders why u dnt trust them. Tho id one day like to be an adoptive mother of fishes and birds. Dogs can really drift from loyal to predator in a split second, unlike cats in my observation.
I have never been afraid of dogs or cats. I am wary of some and have been bitten and scratched but that did not change my opinion on dogs or cats in general, just maybe those particular dogs or cats.
I don't want any black cats crossing my path. Oh I'll pet them all day long, feed them, put out a bowl of milk. But if it takes a step to it's right, I take a step to my left, lol.
I don't have a fear of animals. I love most animals except for gnats, flies and mosquitos. But I have been bit by a few dogs and I confront dogs at work on almost a daily basis. I just make it a rule to not touch any of matter how friendly they are. I don't know if it really makes a difference but I don't want the next dog to smell the last dog when it approaches me.
As far as phobias of common animals, chickens are afraid of hawks and monkeys are afraid of snakes. I have had both peasant and unpleasant relations with both dogs and cats.
One of the biggest disadvantages of our german shepherd is that you can't touch him without smelling like him. And unfortunately I rarely stay away from him when I'm in his neighbourhood.. I don't have any phobias of pets happily!
simply have an allergy to cats, this makes me avoid them out of self-defense, not really a fear very careful around dogs since being treated poorly by many owners makes some dangerous. Also prefer small ones to the big ones.
I prefer the larger ones (not all breeds but in general it is the case) I actually refuse to call a dog a dog if it can't bark
Reptiles; Reptiles are not always the most communicative creatures. Sometimes. Some have obvious bodily language. The lack of social communication skills between us and them, the skin, faces, eyes, the way they carry themselves... Just not for me. I respect reptiles deeply. They've come a long way and are some of the oldest animals on the planet. Alligators and crocs are two of my favorite creatures. I just don't care for them as companions. As for birds; I find their motions kind of weird, they're good/often disease carriers, and I don't think it's very humane to keep a bird in a cage. They were created to fly.
When I was a kid I was very afraid of most (big) dogs I didn't know. My aunt and uncle's collie was okay and fun to play with. And other dogs I got to know but if I saw a dog in a neighbor's yard while I was walking home from school I'd be terribly afraid. This started happening to me after a dog chased me down the street barking at me once. A big dog but I was only 5 and don't remember what kind. I like dogs but.... I can still get like that if I'm walking by someone's house and a german shepard or pit bull or something starts running around a yard barking at me. Esp if they are alone... which actually happens a lot. Anyways I wouldn't say I'm super afraid of dogs anymore but if I don't know the dog, can still be scary.
my biggest phobia is people - the controlling ignorant ones. ive discovered a new personality disorder for this, its called: iimps = ignorant, idiotic, malignant (or manipluative) people syndrom