I know the question might freak a few people out but the question is sincere. I don't quite know how to ask this, so I hope you fill in the blanks before filling in a few more blanks for me. We all know one of the purposes of sex is procreation. Those who feel that's the only purpose have no imagination. But I digress. The point is sex is good for so much more. I'm sure I don't need to elaborate. Anyways, one of the mechanisms that drives people of the opposite sex towards each other is based on pheromones, as you all know. It puts procreation into motion. As we also know, procreation is the last thing on the mind of many people who have sex. But that doesn't necessarily mean they don't drive people of the same sex together. Or does it? Taking the question a level further: is there any kind of pheromones that work better for same sex attraction than for the opposite? And where can I get some lol! I don't expect more than anecdotal evidence, though that much would be great to hear.
Alot of the phermones are covered by soaps perfumes deodorant and other chemicals... I really think they have very little to do with modern sexuality.. clean sweat has a natural musky odor that is a huge turn on for me regardless of sex