Phenethylamine/Tryptamine combo - Good or Bad?

Discussion in 'Synthetic Drugs' started by SuperPsychMe, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. SuperPsychMe

    SuperPsychMe Member

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    Hey everybody! It's been awhile since I've posted on this site, even though I still check in from time to time and read some threads.

    Anyways, I tried to get some talk about this subject going on BL, but I was unsuccessful. I have been thinking about mixing a tryptamine with a phenethylamine a lot recently. Some people think that it's wonderful - The best of both worlds, while a lot of other people tend to think that they don't go well together at all, that they end up 'competing' with each other.

    What do you guys think? Have you had any experiences with it?

    I personally think that it all depends on the substances of course, but I am too inexperienced with mixing the 2 for me to be able to choose a side.

    Here's what I have done:

    5-MeO-Mipt (5mg) + 2C-E (14mg)
    Very enjoyable. I found all three times that I have done this combo enjoyable and I have found that the Moxy actually seems to relieve some of the body load that 2C-E gives. The first two times I dosed them at the same time iirc. The third time I took 25mg of 2C-E and took 5mg of 5-MeO-Mipt about 8 hours later. Once I came up on the Moxy I took a few hits of 20x Salvia in the back yard. It was actually a pretty pleasant experience

    25i-NBOMe (250mics) + 4-ACO-DMT (12mg)
    Did not synergize well for either me or my girlfriend. Granted we did not time it very well. We dosed the 25i sublingually and took the 4-ACO-DMT once we started to come up. The effects didn't feel like they were combating each other, but it was just weird. strangely psychedelic, no direction, kind of confusing and both mentally and socially awkward. My girlfriend and I felt a little awkward talking to each other, and the fact that both of us were having trouble speaking right didn't help things. We smoked weed with it throughout the experience to smooth it out.

    A Mushroom Chocolate (I estimate 2-2.75g) + 4-ACO-DMT (8mg) + 5-MeO-MIPT (4mg) + 25i-NBOMe (100mics)
    I dosed the chocolate first. It was given to me by a friend who was told that they contained 3.5g. I took the 4-ACO-DMT soon after hitting my peak. I started coming up in 20 minutes and in 45 I was peaking. These 2 mixed wonderfully and pretty intensely. It was one of the more intense trips I have had in the past year. I was on the way down (but still very much feeling it) 3 hours later when I took the Moxy. The come up was nauseating, but once it peaked it smoothed out a little bit. I wouldn't say there was synergy, but it wasn't unpleasant. I think that it would have been very enjoyable if I had done this earlier in the day, perhaps with slightly different timing. I was too exhausted from work and the first peak that my thoughts slowed down quite a bit. It had gotten kind of boring at this point, not very engaging. However, there was one thing that was engaging, masturbating. Unsurprisingly enough it was pretty fantastic. At the point that I dosed the 25i I had been peaking on the Moxy for about an hour and a half. I thought a small dose would wake me up a bit and add a little more life to things. I measured out 100mics and dripped it into my nose. It caused an small increase in color enhancement, but nothing more.

    HOT-7 (38mg) + 5-MeO-DALT (35mg)
    Pretty interesting. It was 7 hours after I hit my peak on HOT-7 when I dosed the 5-MeO-DALT. It was a reckless combo, but at those doses I figured a negative reaction would be unlikely. The 5-MeO-DALT started kicking in about 10 minutes after dosing. It was an incredibly uncomfortable come-up. Hot and Cold flashes, waves of nausea, anxiety, and all around physical discomfort. The fact that I was probably the only person to ever combine these two and knew that HOT-7 and 5-MeO-DALT both very well may be an MAOI didnt help the anxiety. 5-MeO-DALT being an all around strange chemical didn't help either. 25 minutes later I was peaking on the 5-MeO-DALT at an unexpectedly intense level. I was getting Persian carpet visuals on the walls and ceiling. My entire visual field was moving in one way or another, varying quite a bit when looking at different things. The body high was wonderful. Extremely tactile, more so than either alone. I stepped outside really quick to see what that was like and I was filled with awe and beauty. It was a wonderful feeling that I have only gotten once before with 60mg of 5-MeO-DALT and a good amount of bud. I decided to step back inside and watch some TV. It was a lot funnier than usual as well as having some added inner dialogue with myself about the show. About half way through, the trip would alternate between extreme euphoria and slightly uncomfortable mentally every 10 minutes or so. It was a very unique experience, but one that I would be weary of repeating again.

    MDAI (150mg+75+75+50+50) + 5-MeO-MIPT (4mg)
    This was another enjoyable combination. After coming up on the first MDAI dose I took the following doses every 45 minutes - 2 hours to maintain a steady level throughout the day. I was just coming off of the peak of the last MDAI dose when I took the Moxy. I got first alerts at 15 minutes but I wasn't peaking until a little over an hour later. It was very enjoyable. The Moxy added a TON of tactile enhancement, and a bit of welcome psychedelia and empathy. It seemed to lengthen the roll by another 2-3 hours, after which the roll died down and I was left with a spacey, euphoric trippiness. An experience that I'd love to repeat!

    I'd love to hear some of your experiences as well as your view on combining a Phenethylamine with a Tryptamine in general
  2. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    the closest i got would be 2c-b with LSD. it was a pleasant experience with a strong sense of joy and childlike awe. visuals were almost blinding and heavy on "natural fractals" (that's what i named my trip report on here)
    then i got a bloody nose (from the dry cold weather) which freaked me out and kinda killed the trip.

    it was nice, but i kinda decided that i prefer LSD alone.

    i was at one time curious about 2ce or 2cb plus 4-aco-dmt, but i don't think i'd venture to mix 4aces with much of anything.

    and today i'm slightly interested in 2cb plus 4-ho-mipt, as they remind me of each other - soft, gentle, pastel visuals
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I agree that it depends on the substances, I've explored:

    4-aco-DMT (33 mgs) + MDMA (250 mgs)
    I took this for a Tool Concert, staggered the MDMA dose by about 45 minutes. The slight uneasiness I experienced on the 4-aco-DMT was smoothed over by the MDMA and the trip had a great amount of depth to it, as much as one can have in the particular setting. Probably the first and last time that I'll ever meditate during a Metal concert.

    2cp (~ 10 mgs insuffalated) + DMT (~ 30 mgs)
    The 2cp trip was alright but kind of lacking, the DMT provided a good amount of depth that I felt missing in the trip, however the DMT didn't feel as spaced out which I kind of embraced on this particular trip. After the DMT trip part was over it provided something to reflect on in the waning part of the 2cp trip.

    MDMA (~100 mgs) + 5-meo-mipt (~10 mgs)
    A very odd synergy between these two, it felt very heavy as the 5-meo-mipt came on and I pretty much could do no more than lay down and get a massage for about a half hour but once I kind of went with it, I was eager to explore the surroundings and had a very whimsical, silly headspace. Very euphoric and tactile but I'm not sure of the safety of this combo.

    MDMA (200 mgs) + DMT (60 mgs)
    Surprisingly, I felt the MDMA signature dominate and dictate the direction of the trip. The trip was noticeably more tactile oriented then DMT and not as visually heavy as that dose of DMT usually is. The tactile sensations were really bizzare, such as the sensation of rolling up under myself like if my body became a treadmill.

    Methylone (~150 mgs) + DPT (30 mgs IM injection)
    This was the lightest dose of DPT I have ever taken so it's kind of difficult to make comparisons to higher doses but the methylone provided a good consistent headspace and the DPT provided some quality Closed Eye Visuals. Good Music enhancement on this combo.

    2ci (20 mgs) + 4-aco-dmt (~15 mgs)
    The 4-aco-dmt was staggered towards the end of the 2ci trip. I found this trip a surprisingly powerful synergy, very unique and pretty heavy. I was using a lot of drugs at this time though, probably didn't appreciate it as much as I could have.
  4. SuperPsychMe

    SuperPsychMe Member

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    2cb + LSD sounds like a wonderful combo! Unfortunately I haven't tasted 2cb yet so I cant even imagine

    2ce + 4-ACO-DMT sounds very interesting. Sounds like either heaven or hell

    I have yet to combine MDMA with a psychedelic, but it sounds absolutely incredible. It must be absolutely amazing with 4-Aco-DMT.

    MDMA and Moxy has been on my mind for quite awhile. It seems to me like it would be too good to be true.

    2ci + 4-aco-dmt is an interesting choice! I never would have thought of combining the 2, but thinking about it now I can see how they would have wonderful synergy
  5. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i know another member here had a hellacious trip on 2ci + 4aces. it's probably just like with a single psychedelic - responses vary.
  6. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    how about acid and mdma? acid and mdma is the dope.
  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Cosmoknot said he landed himself in jail on that combo but he dosed like 75 mgs of each or something insane like that.
  8. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    It is best if you take the MDMA a few hours after the LSD. I have candy flipped many times.
  9. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i was thinking of sweet blasphemy. she doesn't come here anymore. she took those two and went to the movie theater i believe. she was very uncomfortable and squirming into her seat and may have been thrust into some personal version of hell.
  10. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Hell yea, candyflippin is mad dope. I always took the acid first and waited till the peak started to wind down a little bit then dropped the E. I've head others doing it the opposite or just taking them at the same time tho.
  11. PillShark

    PillShark Member

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    Ive had a couple experiences mixing phens and trypts. One trip was Mushrooms + 2C-C, the second trip was mushrooms + 2C-C + 5-meo-dmt. Both times i took 3.5g mushrooms and 60mg 2c-c. The dosages were the same but i took them in a different order. Example in one trip i took the 2C-C about 2 hours after the mushrooms, and vice-versa. I really preferred taking the 2c-c before the mushrooms, it just made for a mush smoother come-up/transition into the higher intensity of the mushrooms. On the night when i had taken the 2c-c before the shrooms i ended up smoking some 5-meo-dmt while i was peaking. It was pretty mind blowing to say the least. The jump into 5-meo-dmt space can be pretty rough but it seemed a lot smoother when i was already tripping. Anyway mushrooms and 2c-c are two of my favorite psychedelics and they compliment each other wonderfully. I would definitely do this combo again if i had the chance. As for the 5-meo-dmt smoked its definitely not for everyone, but has the potential to mix well with others, just go easy with it.
  12. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    pillshark, have you tried other 2cx besides 2cc?
    how about any 4-substituted tryptamines (4-ho-mipt, 4-aco-dmt, etc.) that vaguely resemble a mushroom trip?

    has anyone tried DMT after a 2cx? i did see that GB had 2cp + DMT, but i only have experience with 2ce and 2cb...not with DMT though. for some reason this intrigues me, though i'll probably just stick to trying DMT from baseline. that's plenty.
  13. Buddy of the island

    Buddy of the island Member

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    I once lemon teked 1-2 grams of mushrooms after dropping a dose of 2c-eNBOMe. They were the most true to the archetypal psychedelic experience Iv ever gotten.

    the NBOMe series is a bit infamous for having a "sickly" sort of feeling to it. and although it excels in the visual department, it was rare for me to find any mind-expanding or philosophical value to any of these sensations.

    Psilocybin, on the other hand has always been my favourite psychedelic. This is because, over any other "hallucenogen" Iv tried, its given me the most meaningful change in perception. However, mushrooms do often lack in the visual department, where all of the visual changes seem "grimey" "fuzzy" or "crawly" (best way I can describe it). Not at all as clear and geometric as phenethylamines.

    But, these two substances very much played off of eachothers strengths, giving me very defined and interesting visions which also were very symbolic of things that were currently going on in my mind.
  14. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    I tried Al-LAD + MDMA for an Infected Mushroom show recently, Really quality combo. I approached the dosings to emulate a candyflip. I found this good, I was fairly analytical for the Al-LAD the first couple hours and then the combo came on intensely and the MDMA gave me the limitless energy and altered perception of movement to dance freely. Good combo for shows and maybe intimate group sessions.
  15. gendorf

    gendorf Senior Member

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    I tried 2c-b+dmt combo. the elves were afraid of me.. I was crossing through into their dimension too fast. And I nearly choked on my puke because I was pukin from the 2c-b a few moments earlier and a piece of food was stuck somewhere in my nasal air canal and it fell back while in trance.., I nearly breathed it in....

    Also I love to candyflip. I call it "Crystal Candy Fun Adventure Time".. so one more vote to mdma+lsd combo
  16. SuperPsychMe

    SuperPsychMe Member

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    My most recent trip was pretty crazy (Some Etizolam, ~ 30mg MXE, 17mg Miprocin, and ~250ug 25i nasal). My first ego death experience produced by substances alone. The trip was so crazy at the time that I didnt notice any synergy. I merely existed for a few hours. Once I started to come down and get a grasp of what just happened I noticed some definite synergy between the Miprocin and 25i-NBOMe, and it was fantastic.

    I have never been the fan of the NBOMes due to their lack of depth and the body load that comes with what I personally consider an effective dose for myself. After that last experience I am convinced that the true purpose for the NBOMes is to add small amounts to another psychedelic.

    I personally have not gained much from NBOMes alone besides some discomfort, but small doses can be fantastic, especially when combined with the right thing.

    I think 4-ACO-DMT + a small amount of 25b-NBOMe is next on my list :sunny:
  17. letitlive

    letitlive Guest

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    I combined ~8mg 5-MeO-MiPT with ~35mg of Escaline. The trip took 2-3 hours to fully come-up and I couldn't sleep until 8-9 hours later.
    The trip itself was nice though, full of soft dreamy visuals, and many warm tactile sensations. Both of these drugs seem to have a nice body high that complimented each other.

    I think I'll explore this combination again with higher doses, because it was pretty nice. :2thumbsup:
  18. CoolRunnings

    CoolRunnings Member

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    MY experiences with 4-ACO-DMT and 2C-E have been quite good. They were usually around a 15-20 and 20-25 combination of either one.
  19. Hedgeclipper

    Hedgeclipper Qiluprneeels Nixw

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    of course.

    Yeah I was at a festival this summer and did a lot of acid. While me and myf riends were tripping we came upon some of the best mdma I've ever seen, really nice brown crystals, just perfect perfect stuff. You just would never come down. I mena I guess technically ou might come down, but what with the great afterglow on the stuff and all the other drugs in my system, it just kept on going and going. I love candyflipping :)

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