Anyone hear the news on Pewdiepie? The most famous youtuber with more than fifty million subscribers is the latest victim of a smear campaign by the SJW- um... I mean WSJ to portray him as a fascist neonazi. The reality is, they took one of his jokes way way way out of context and transformed it into a fake news campaign to cut his ties with Disney, because he is a threat to the declining dinosaur media. For those of you who don't know, Pewdiepie is a YouTube entertainer who has the largest channel of all time. Most of his videos are just him conveying hyperbole reactions to playing Videogames and watching short movie clips. I was never a big fan of his, but younger people of Generation Z seem to love this guy. And his fans are staying with him despite the mainstream media's cowardly fake news smear to bring him down. And it has backlashed hard! In this video, Pewdiepie points out how all the mainstream media outlets who attacked him, are doing so because of their fear of losing money to independent content creators. And the decline of trust in the mainstream media has accelerated, especially amongst younger generations. This is huge! I hope the mainstream media keeps up this bullshit smear campaign. They lie, and they've lied to us for longer than newspapers ever existed. Generation Z is being red pilled by the lies of the mainstream media being blown wide open. As the trust in the mainstream media declines, Gen Z will lead the world in the destruction of the mainstream media.
This is huge, ok. It really is! I promise. It's not about Pewdiepie and his joke, it is really about 'generation Z'! Mainstream media is evil, social media groovy. No sense in looking at the details. It is like this. Trust me.
Some lame vid in which some remarks that were supposed to be funny at the expense of jews got way too much attention. I agree it is likely because this dude got famous and rich, otherwise it wouldn't be blew out of proportion. I disagree with the bigger picture 6-eyed is trying to paint here. It's about this dude that got succesful on his youtube channel who is responsible for those lame vids and is now getting a lot of shit for it (possibly indeed partly by a media company that is taking a loss because of his succes. Not 'the mainstream media' as a whole naturally). That's it.
Don't know this guy, but he seems to speak very good english for a swedish person....that's the only thing I noticed. Why is he so famous? [media][/media]
I tried to research this, but the first 3 articles i clicked on referenced the anti semitic debaclr without actually giving details on what happened I did find something that mentioned two men in one of his videos holding a sign that says "death to all jews," is that right? Is that supposed to be a joke? Cant say i really blame Disney for disconnecting with someone who makes off color jokes..even if he is just joking, this is Disney we're talking about. This is kind of a non issue though, nothing bad is going to happen to him. He has a write up in Variety, in the New York Times, in the Guardian. Bad publicity is better than no publicity as they say, i'm sure he'll make tons of money off this
It is truly a double standard how Sarah Silverman can dress up in full Nazi garb cracking Hitler jokes on Conan O'Brien, and face zero consequences of blatant antisemitism from the mainstream media. But an independent content creator like Pewdiepie can get caught up in a huge character defamation scandal. Pewdiepie isn't even a politically outspoken person at all (at least from what I know of him). This is all an action of the establishment to control what subject matter entertains the masses. Jay Rockefeller himself said he wish the internet media was never created.
Yeah maybe I am overly optimistic in this one. But I read plenty of comments from Pewdiepie's enormous fan base who now say they no longer trust the mainstream media and are telling their parents not to watch the news. TBH I had just gotten done reading those comments on Youtube and Reddit before coming on here and making this thread. Pewdiepie has significant influence over his fan base. Now many people are mad at J.K. Rowling for tweeting about Pewdiepie being a racist without any concrete evidence.
Really? See, this annoys me. I learned the media is owned by a very small number of corporate giants years ago, I've been complaining about sensationalism in the news for years. I respect the profession of journalism greatly, it annoys me journalists cant write about subjects that displease the investors/high level execs at the top of the corporate chain and it bothers me even if they had the freedom to write about what they wanted, many people wouldnt have interest in reading it because theyre used to being fed sound bites and getting their news from angry pundits screaming at them from their tv. I was dissatisfied with the current state of the media long before Trump came along without any intelligience or charm to offer the 24 hour news cycle, long before he told his minions not to trust the media simply because the media doesnt like him. And now you're telling me the thing that is going to destroy the media is a bunch of followers of some annoying youtube dude who made some stupid anti semitic joke, that these followers are going to destroy the mainstream media because the mainstream media doesnt like someone they follow on youtube. It annoys me greatly because followers of Trump and followers of Milo, to a lesser degree followers of whoever this douchebag is, they dont care about freedom of the press. They dont care about returning to a time when journalists had the freedom to write in depth, investigative journalism about a variety of topics. We're talking about a crowd who probably only gets their news from Fox until Trump told them Fox didnt like him, or Breitbart or a number of conservative blogs that are as reliable as the National Enquirer. These people dont want to replace the mainstream media with a variety of independently owned outlets expressing unbiased news, which is what it should be. They want to destroy the mainstream media and keep Breitbart, basically. Maybe not the gamers so much as the anti media fans of Trump and people like Milo. I'm actually still scratching my head wondering how a bunch of gamers are going to destroy mainstream media. Millenials and Gen Z probably WILL destroy mainstream media eventually, but not because of this or because of any other pop c ulture icon unliked by the media. It will be because of the internet and citizens journalism, because people are filming things like the DAPL protests which showed the mainstream media's representation was not truthful. Thats just an example, but it will be things like that, not guys like this. Oh yeah, also..if he did have two dudes holding a sign in his video that said death to all jews and if thats what you were referring to as his joke, please explain.
I'm not a big enough Pewdiepie fan to defend the guy all the way to the end (if at all). I think he made a joke with those two tribesmen holding up a sign that said something offensive that they couldn't read or understand. And then following up with his reaction to it, with a face that expressed OMG I can't believe they did that! Which I think was part of the joke. Pewdiepie's fans know him better than the Wall Street Journal or any other media entity for that matter. When someone tell his fans he is a racist anti-semite, they will not believe them or their credibility in any way. If the mainstream media wants to hold their trust for future generations, they are totally doing it wrong. That's all I'm saying.
Mainstream media is all about take-downs and collecting scalps. Good for Emily Ratjkowski to call-out the NY Timesman who tweeted that Melania is a Whore.
I had never heard of Pewdiepie before this whole "scandal." I agree that everyone is probably overreacting--but isn't that just what folks do when it comes to celebrities? Stop paying attention to them, and they cease to matter. And is anyone surprised that Disney cut ties with this guy? They have severed relations with celebrities whose "sins" are far more benign.
Hmmmmmmmm. Something tells me Sarah Silverman isn't Anti-Semetic, unless she really hates herself. And African-Americans can use the N word with impunity while Whitey would be branded a bigot for doing the same thing. Mel Brooks could get away with Springtime in Hitler, but if Mel Gibson tried it, he'd be back in rehab. That's double standards for you! Ain't it awful!
So are you saying that humor and jokes need to be regulated too? Only certain people are allowed to say certain kinds of jokes? Sounds to me like a limitation on free speech.
Not at all. I was just observing the reality that members of disparaged minorites can get away with using forbidden epithets for their own groups. Outsiders from groups that have used them in the past to put down minorities risk being perceived as racist. When Sara Silverman tells a joke poking fun at Jews, nobody thinks it's Anti-Semitic, because she's quite obviosly Jewish. If Mel Gibson, with his history of Anti-Semitism tells the same joke, there's a risk it'l be perceived as mean-spirited and racist. "Regulation" of protected speech by the government is mostly out of bounds--but even then it can be restricted if it poses a clear and present danger to the public, like crying fire in a crowded theater. But all of us are judged by what we say. If I start cracking jokes about Jews, African-Americans, Italians, Poles, etc., I'd better be sensitive to my audience. And that's not a bad thing. In fact, I'd call it an advance in civility. The "regulation" comes from the audience reaction. Freedom of speech doesn't guarantee that speech won't have negative consequences. The wave of attacks on Leslie Jones on Facebook, for example, were clearly racist in tone. Facebook, as a private corporation, is within its rights to ban that sort of thing, although the company must also face the consequences from subscribers. It's mostly informal, and a matter of judgment. Did you hear the one about the priest, the rabbi, and the televangelist who went into a bar?
LOL pewdipie he's famous for playing and commenting on video games, who cares!! He is not better (or worse) than the Kim K or Cash me if you Can, idiots make idiots famous