You know how it's almost hypnotic to stroke a pets fur? well I do that with the grass... I was lying down outside and just stroking the grass, it felt so great between my fingers the winter just thawed here, and it's been in the 20's all week, it's so nice to have a lawn
I was confused for a second, but then I remembered you are on the metric system. I do the same thing from time to time... it also feels good to walk through autumn leaves barefoot.. as long as the leaves aren't too hard.
We_All_Shine_On, you kick ass, keep it up! you've got to be the most 'hippy' person on these fora, it's like you just walked out of 1969. I would give you some more reputation but it says that I need to pass it around first.
I was outside in the grass today too. it was so nice, and there wasnt a single cloud in the sky as far as i could see! ahhhhhhhh.. i love spring... i love all the seasons!
NAMASTE I have read in many eastern text books that walking barefoot on the grasses gives us life energy charge.I try to do that every day.
I love watching the grass wave as the wind flows through it. And the whispering sound it makes. Ahh, so beautiful It's too bad my lawn gets raped every week by hired gardeners.
I find lawns to be abhorant, and praise of their existence shouldn't be tolerated. While we do have grass in our yard, it is accompanied by a number of other species of flora, which are erroneously considered weeds.
I let dandelions grow, I mean, they're only weeds cuz they're groiwng somewhere unwanted, but they're wanted on my lawn, therefore not weeds.
I was growing 'weeds' in a leftover pot I had, they just appeared there. My weedpot. I watered them, and also poured bongwater and left over tea in there too. They were doing good. But those damn gardeners whacked em. They were in a pot for christ's sake! :shakeshead:
Im new to this forum and Im glad I came across this thread. I am a turf student at rutgers University, I feel the same way about the grass as you all do. My family doesnt understand my choice of profession though, most are business people and nurses. Its hard knowing that I am looked at a little strangely in my family but I know I shouldnt care because I enjoy what I do. Just remember, if it werent for the different species of grass, soil, and other plants, there would be zero existance of life on our planet earth.
yeah, grass is awesome.. I love it reminds me of being a little kid out in the baseball field...
I like that. The other day I was walking around barefoot and I found a patch of mossy grass... it felt so beautiful.