Pet Commands

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by Irminsul, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I was thinking earlier how many commands we could actually give our dog and once you start to write them down, the list actually becomes quite long.

    Here are our most 30 used commands. These can differ in how we command, our dog is taught in English but he can pick up bilingual differences too. So while my partner says "Down" I will say "Downen" etc.

    Now these are actual commands when we command we expect for him to differentiate what we are telling him from a word that is similar.

    1. Sit = sit

    2. Down = drop on tummy

    3. Stay = stay still, don't move. If standing then he stands. Sit he sits etc.

    4. Stand = stand in a certain position and keep for the judge to examine.

    5. Paw = give paw

    6. High 5 = high five with paw

    7. Roll = roll over

    8. Over = jump over, walk over a specific object

    9. Come = come to caller

    10. Wait = wait. Slight movements are allowed but overall he's not allowed to spring into action, he has to wait for whatever it is and he knows what that is at the time. So food for example. We make him sit, wait. We can walk away and do whatever for up to 5min and he has to sit there and wait until we tell him to eat.

    11. Still = stay still, we use this when we cry toenails and examine.

    12. Eat = you can eat now

    13. No = no don't do that. I will expand to a firmer NO! Or NEIN!! When he's really done wrong.

    14. Oi! = okay you've been no'd to death and at the moment you aren't listening to a more aggressive tone or sound is needed. Though he knows that No! Means stop it while OI! Means "oh shit I fucked up run and hide".

    15. Okay = it's fine to do something. So if he is waiting for something we say okay and then he can continue.

    16. Up = up on couch usually

    17. Ball = find, fetch ball

    18. Rope = find fetch rope

    19. Cornelius = find specific plush animal

    20. Uh-Uh = give back what you just picked up

    21. Drop = drop the ball from his mouth

    22. Take = take what's in our hand gently

    23. Gentle = don't use your teeth, licks only. Could expand to kiss, he knows to lick when asked to kiss. Kissies.

    24. Settle = settle down, don't be so hyper you're going to be kicked out or locked up if you continue shenanigans.

    25. Off = off furniture, object or animals.

    26. Heel = stick to my left hand side while walk at my pace. His head is not allowed to be further in front than my left knee as I plant it for each step. Keeping his head relatively by my knee at all times.

    27. Up/Up (pick up speed) = pick up speed. We used this command for show trailing. When he hears upup he "Trots" which we call gating. See harness horse racing for examples upup is increase speed of trot, no pacing and no galloping.

    28. WHFZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz (our "sickem" command.) = go chase whatever you see.

    29. Shut up! = literally shut up.

    30. Give = pick up object and give it to us. We can point at let's say, a shoe and say give. He will bring to us.

    31. Achtung! = sit at attention and wait for the next command full of anticipation and excitednes.
    jmadre and Lynnbrown like this.
  2. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I don't really have a big vocabulary of commands for Buddy because I usually just talk to him like a person.
    The ones I do use actually are often context sensitive in that the same command means different things depending on the situation.
    those are;

    1) Done--that means give me the ball or whatever he is holding at the time
    2) Your Done!-- that means stop whatever behavior you are doing whether that is whining, barking, acting up or chewing on another dog.
    3) Stop-- means stop and wait until I say to go.
    4) Hold on/Wait up--means stop until I get next to you.
    5) Eh! Eh! Eh!-- means the same as "heel" (don't know why he responds to it instead of heel because I have tried to teach him "heel", but......)
    6) Ok--means he can continue walking and cross a street (he stops at all street crossings by himself and waits until I say "OK" before he steps off the curb.)
    7) Come Here--self explanatory
    8) Sit--self explanatory
    9) Kiss--self explanatory
    10) Zap-- means get/attack whatever the target is.
    11) Hold--means stop attack OR hold on to target until further instruction (playing tug-o-war I tell him "hold" and he stops pulling, I tell him "Zap" and he tears the shit out of the rope...LOL)

    adding "NOW!!!" to the end of any of the above commands will get an instant response if needed or if he is being a stubborn little shit.

    I should work with him more on a few things, but he really is kinda like "fuck off, I'll learn what I want, you man enough to make me?"

    but hey, at least I've taught him that every other dog isn't an opponent to be killed, or at least I've taught him it ain't cool anymore. ;)
    I need to teach him more stuff like you have, he's smart enough, but like I said, he has a bit of a badass attitude at times....LOL

    Irmi, what the hell is 19. Cornelius?
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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    What The Hell Is 31...Achtung......[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.
  4. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Lol. Cornelius is a small purple fluffy rhinoceros. :D it's one the inside toys you tell him "Cornelius" and he'll go and find it and bring it to you.

    Achtung is German for Attention. So I say like a police office Achtung! and whatever he is doing, laying, sleeping, sitting, playing, sooking - he'll quickly jump up and sit at attention while he waits for the next command. Usually this a play thing, or he knows the next command will be playful or food is coming. He'll often give you the head tilts while he waits for command.

    I also forgot

    32. Schnell schnell! = Move quickly, move, get out of my way or face the knee. Lol.

    I will elaborate on my list. :)
  5. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    a purple rhino...LOL

    Buddy just knows "ball" and "rope" because he rips up anything less sturdy....

    I'm sure he has a lot more, but I just talk to him like another person and he responds as I expected (within reason), the commands are for specific times.
    one thing is when we are out he has variations on "come here" that involve either a whistle and then the command or adding NOW!! to it and those time he has to come over and make contact with me.
    He will either stand with his head between my legs or if there is a "threat" around he comes across the front of me and stops and kinda leans on my legs. I taught him that so if I have to grab his harness I has saved at least three other dogs lives....LOL
  6. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    See now my list looks messy and all over the place. :D
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I fixed it up a bit.

    Oh we talk to our boy like a person too, these were just certain words or commands that he actually knows he's being asked to do something rather than just looking at us like we are the most precious and most beautiful things he's seen in his life. :D
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    This is Cornelius. Well we always thought he was a rhino lol. He's had his tail gnawed off and the ears are going next but he's had this for a while now. He is very attached to it. As soon as he comes inside it's the first thing he looks for. There is genuine worry and concern if he cannot find Cornelius. Not finding the rope is even more daunting.

  9. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I'm sure you also have hand gestures that go with a lot of commands too.
    Some things like "sit", "ok", "go" "come" or "lay down" can be done with just the hand gesture.

    and if I tell him "get it" he just grabs whatever as hard as he friggin can, if I say "easy" he is more slow and gentle, if I tell him "easy,easy" he goes in super slow mode and is very gentle.....LOL
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    When we say "stand" we run our right hand from his shoulder down his side to his tail area. Not sure why that's just what we got taught in show trialling.

    We can point for sit.

    We use a diagonal left to right motion for down.

    When he heels he has to be observant. If he is sitting and I step off with my right foot, he's trained to stay in sit position. I can then walk off ahead and he will remain seated.

    If i step off with my left foot he knows to follow me. He also knows I will stop on my left foot and to sit when he sees that being planted. Though I emphasize my last step so he sees and reads my body language correctly.

    I can also make ck ck ck noises from the side of my mouth and when we walk on a lead, I can direct him left or right by making those noise from the the sides of my mouth. I was heaps impressed with myself when I taught him this lol. Or I didn't really teach him he just responded to it so I kept doing it. In no way did he ever seem consciously aware that he'd move right or left based on the side of my mouth making that clicking noise but he was just doing it lol.
  11. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    What a great thread!!!

    My always inside cats intentionally do relatively nothing I tell them but come when I call their names when it is wet-meat time.

    The big-foot cat called the various names of: Gimli, Gim, Binnie, and Mama can't understand calling him anything but Liam will often come to you when he is outside. Princess sometimes comes when she feels like it; but, since being able to come inside she isn't interested in doing much but staying inside (its kitchen only for her).

    Both Brownie Brown and BB understand NO!

    Gimli thinks NO means "do it some more"... mercysakes

    To discipline a cat, one should use a water-filled spray bottle...Gimli thinks its FUN to get sprayed. :eyeroll:
    jmadre likes this.
  12. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I want y'all to know that the title to my thread in the Pets and Animals forum is called:

    Bad Cats and Dogs

    So that means spoiled or briefly bad dogs need their pictures there! (like Buddy and Atreyu)
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  13. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    My dog knows

    go to your room (her kennel)
    go to your bed
    Lay down
    gotta go potty? (She'll answer with a little hop)
    Hungry? (Also hops)
    drop it
    Go potty! (Said when i'm running late and she wants to sniff all over the yard but I need her to piss or get off the pot.)
    High five
    Get your ball/stick

    Thats it, these mostly get the job done
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  14. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    my dog is actually my sisters dog so technically she's just a visitor dog but she's my favourite because she's like a niece lol

    she's so old we dont command she's fairly deaf and almost completely blind so it basically goes like this

    1 do you need to go outside?
    2 here have a treat
    3 is this the spot? (while petting her)

    4 is constantly telling her "you're such a good dog"
  15. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    almost the same as spiff. but its my moms, while i am watching her i taught her "lay down" which was a mistake because when i want her to leave me alone i instinctively say go lay down. she then thinks a treat is coming and i feel bad when i dont have one.
    she is bad with understanding "go outside" she will hold it in but was never taught to ask to go outside.
    i got to get on top of that if i keep that puppy.
  16. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I know with certain breeds of dogs, one needs to be in command.....that is a given....but with my pugs...I don't really command them. they know lots of, of course....go pee pee?....and they will respond if they need to go out to alleviate themselves
    .....Puppies! I call them all with that, as i cannot call all 4 of them by each name in a quick situation.....They all know their names.
    Cookie or egg for their get off of something.....stop to stop what it is they are not supposed to be doing....
    They basically read my tone of voice and body language though.....

    Now, if someone is approaching here...they go nuts and there is no controlling them at all.....all 4 of them making noise that could wake the entire neighborhhod....and if anyone new steps in the house they will be all over that person....and can scratch a person's legs with their jumpuing up on them. as they do to me every time I reenter my house from being out without them......They can hurt with their shrap claws...unintentionally, of course. They are just so if i am having company...I need the heads up to contain them somewhere else. Sully, the golden is no problem, with anything. ....

    He is so laid back...I have to take his pulse sometimes to see if he is alive.... :D
  17. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    oops...double post...I cannot edit too easily anymore my is a long straight line that goes off the page now in edit.
  18. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You have a beautiful shepherd. I was just talking about this today...That if I ever get another dog.....when all of these characters are no longer here, and I hope that is not for a very long time...:(...I want a black pug, bull dog and another german shepherd. My first dog with Stan was a German Shepherd. He was the greatest, but with the house we were living in then...we had to find him another home. he would get scared by any loud noise outside and break through the sun room glass walls..
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  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Here was the shepherd we had named Cooper.....He is with Puki.....the first female pug we had on her first day with us at 6 weeks old. I miss these two so much. Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end....:(

    Pete's Draggin' and Lynnbrown like this.
  20. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    A Rainbow dog is my pal .

    One command is ' Stay with me ' , another is 'Just relax ' . Other than that , a
    the question she'll think about in different ways is ' What do you want to do ? "
    She either points with her nose at something , or really has nothing much in
    mind but relaxing . A command to just relax can mean hey , dog , quit staring
    at me . But ,of course , how do I know she's staring at me ? We have lessons
    in sense and nonsense .

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