Personal development.

Discussion in 'Personal Development' started by Bilby, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    Tell us about your goals in life, your life lessons, your re-evaluations of life . Have you had a chronic illness and come out of it with a new outlook on life? Has someone given you tailored words of wisdom that stayed with you? What do you consider to be the most important things in life?
    Pete's Draggin' and Orison like this.
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I've pretty much achieved all I want to in life now. Maybe just a few countries and things I want to look at.

    I remember one day I had all my future ahead of me and at 18yo I woke up one morning and that future wasn't so clear anymore, physically. Told I have a stupid eye disease. Told me they'd have to cut my corneas out and stitch in new ones. Told me that was the end of my sporting days, told me that was the end of my active life, told me it would be hard to get back on a horse.

    Didn't listen to them. Ain't stopped me doing anything. Maybe contact Sport, but I plug along in life with my shitty eyesite now like whateverrr. I do quite good in pool for how I have to see, maybe I won't be as good as I first envisioned 5 years ago I have accepted this now. Should have been something I picked up as a kid to be as good as I want. I keep hearing to be perfect player you need near perfect eyesite. Well I don't have that. I haven't had that since I was a teen and it's not something I'll ever have again.

    Eyes never stopped me being active and having fun. They told me not to travel with stitches in my eyes, I travelled anyway. No more horse riding? Perish the thought, was the first thing I attempted. :)

    Now I'm like what, nearing 33yo. Have my wife, land, house, my dog and rabbits. My social life, my interests. Been everywhere I want, seen some stuff I always wanted to. Life's good at the moment. My eyes? Who knows. Probably more surgery one day in the future. They gonna tell me the same things? Maybe. And I'll go out on a lawn bowl green to prove em wrong again cause that's where I see myself when I'm broken, on a lawn bowl green, pwning some old cunts at lawn bowls. :D
    scratcho likes this.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    No one here gets out alive...
  4. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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  5. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    When I was knocking on 30, I was working as a chef in a motel. I came to realise that in business facts don't matter, it is peoples' perceptions that matter.
  6. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    Have you ever been to Anatolia? :D
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  8. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    My life... It's been about emotional growth since I went to emotional growth boarding school. Interestingly, I didn't mind the manipulations therein. It was a transcendent experience; sharing, learning, and growing stronger.

    What did I learn there... >?
  9. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    Was there like... Share circles and stuff?
    I did something like that when I was a kid. A weekend long ”retreat” where they basically deprived you of sleep and manipulated you into sharing personal experiences with people who are virtually strangers and to this day the whole things feels like a pungent smelling oil slick I can't wash off.
    *takes a breath*
    Was it like that?
  10. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    It was exactly that! I'm amazed... Not that many people have heard of this. But my experience was far longer.

    Yes. There was sleep deprivation and share circles! :) It was called Cedu. That was the name of the school.

    But I did learn there.
  11. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    Interesting. We share a strange commonality.
    It sounds like you processed the whole experience much differently than I.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  12. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I went to something called T.E.C. Teens Encounter Christ. I lived inside my mind the entire time.
  13. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    Didn’t stick? Jesus, the church?
  14. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I was already having serious doubts, my experience at the T.E.C. just further confirmed my suspicion that it was all nonsense. A girl talked me into going--serious lesson learned there as it didn't get me laid.
    Gul Dukat likes this.
  15. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    indeed. I grew accustomed and comfortable to the role. I overcame many fears there. And learned to share in love and prosper. It was interesting... and good. But it didn't last or stand much of a chance against the drugs when I got out/released. My instincts to fit in were much stronger than anything I could have implemented. I was 15 about to be 16 when I got out, so I wasn't prepared to "use what I learned" so to speak. I forgot everything and went down the toilet on drugs. And then, after stopping at meth, I reversed course. Went to alcohol and stayed put for a time. Then, finally, I quit that too. I got sober and then picked up edibles interestingly enough. I enjoyed edibles, but they don't agree with my medication or my condition (I'm also living with schizophrenia; which thankfully is under control and the supervision of a wonderful psychiatrist...). So, years and years went by between the time I was released from my boarding school to the time I finally got off of everything.

    But now I sort of enjoy sobriety. It's ok. :)
  16. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    CEDU went belly up in 2005.
    Never heard of it but the Wiki post doesn't look too good to me.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  17. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    Yo man you just share circle'd the shit outta this thread
  18. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    AHAHAH. Yeah, I guess I did. :)

    Carry on, all! :D
  19. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I grew up in the 50's and 60's in a Roman Catholic church setting. Attended High, Low, and Latin Masses, in the summers was taught by Catholic nuns. The parish priests would visit our home on occasion for Christmas Eve parties.
    I began to suspect that religion was screwy when the nuns couldn't answer simple questions from an inquisitive child and this was confirmed when the parish got a young priest assigned to it. I believe he was of the Dominican order as he had taken a vow of poverty and leaned toward mysticism, although at the time I was to young to know this.
    He lasted about two years and then was sent off to South America as a missionary. He had tried in initiate folk masses and other reforms into the mass and the parishioners didn't like that. This was back in 1964 and the Latin Mass had just been abandoned in 1962. No one was ready for a guitar in the Mass. I believe my sister and I may have been the first lay people in the nation to carry the sacramental wine and water up to the alter and hand it to the priest.
    Anyway he would show up occasionally, one time he hitched a ride to our house for Christmas Eve and brought along a young guerilla fighter from somewhere in South America. Once he got back to the states he was always getting arrested for some protest somewhere.

    Once I hit college in 1969 I gave up church and the Catholic youth instructional deal.
    There I fell in with the local hippies, a small group at the time that would meet at the "White House", which was an old house somebody was renting.
    Soon I discovered Alan Watts, Paul Reps, D.T. Suzuki, Arthur Waley, Ram Dass, and guys like that. Then I took an Oriental religion class and studied the Upanishads, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.
    Just for good measure I threw in copious amounts of LSD, peyote, mescaline, etc.
    Just about that time a friend started going to see a guy called Mr. Rose down at a place called Pyramid Zen, it's now a Hindu Temple. So I corresponded with Mr. Rose for awhile but decided that anyone who set himself up as a guru wasn't worth my effort....but he was the real deal, I believe.

    I've looked into many religions and philosophies over the years mainly through Jnana Yoga.
    Currently I like the works of Ken Wilber and Robert Pirsig.
    The most complete philosophies I've found are John Levy's form of Vedanta as taught to him by Sri Atmananda Krishna and Nagarjuna's Buddhist logic.

    I practice Nad Yoga and try to cultivate the internal "Watcher".
    But then you have the problem of who or what the "Watcher" is!
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
    Bilby, scratcho, Meliai and 1 other person like this.
  20. Gul Dukat

    Gul Dukat Kanar, anyone?

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    If you wrote a book about your time in college and what not, I’d read it.

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