Permanently Barefoot

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Deleted member 159087, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. From now on (except when out with my wife, which COVID-19 has severely curtailed) i will be barefoot—stores, food shopping, hiking—and I am delighted to throw my shoes away (well, back in the closet), but I am “out” of the part-time barefoot closet. Mmmmmmmmmm—tough dirty calloused soles! Really great!
  2. RT19

    RT19 Members

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    Fantastic! Hope all goes well.
    nuspieds likes this.
  3. Killa1989

    Killa1989 Members

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    what are we all doing, this is a great time everyone let’s throw our shoes away and live barefoot from now on!!!
    BarefootedBoy likes this.
  4. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Sure wish the cure to this terrible virus was to throw away any worn shoes. I know that sounds a little silly but oh well.
    BarefootedBoy, RT19 and riverman18 like this.
  5. I’m convinced that the virus depends on human contact only, so going barefoot poses no more risk than...going barefoot! Watch those acorns! Yikes! Slick ice!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2020
  6. I feel your pain and anxiety. I’m so sorry for everyone. I value your humanity.
    jagerhans likes this.
  7. hippyphile

    hippyphile Member

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    Every pandemic in human history has run a course and this one will too. Five years from now people will barely remember it. That is what happened after 1918 which was far worse.
  8. j17435

    j17435 Member

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    I've also temporarily curtailed going barefoot while out running errands. Many people are stressed and/or fearful, certain stores have extra security, staple items are in short supply or unavailable. I don't want to get into any kind of confrontation with another customer or employee right now. I guess it's possible people are so preoccupied they would be less likely to notice me than before, but not willing to chance it right now. Hope to be back to barefoot shopping this summer. For now, I'm still doing barefoot hikes though. Stay safe.
    jagerhans likes this.
  9. Well, i love going barefoot into stores that have long accepted me, but ignorance reigns supreme at new places, particularly large stores for lots of people, so footwear it is, do your deed, and leave. You can always be barefoot outdoors. Remember: Virus comes from people, not the ground. You scientists and epidemiologists are free to set me straight. In the meantime...
    BarefootedBoy and RT19 like this.
  10. txbarefooter

    txbarefooter Senior Member

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    here in Texas they have limited funerals to 10 people or less. bars are closed, restaurants can only serve carry out, drive through or curb side. churches are online only. so far no mandatory stay at home orders. YET . . .
  11. BareyMommy

    BareyMommy Members

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    You're Italian right? Are you ok over there?
    jagerhans likes this.
  12. RT19

    RT19 Members

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    Oh I can just picture it now, all the world leaders standing together and telling the world that the cure is to go barefoot and all shoes and socks will be destroyed.

    But seriously hope everyone is staying safe whether you choose to remain barefoot or not.
    Mobius_Stripped likes this.
  13. It is amazing how liberating living barefoot feels. Or IS. To paraphrase Tony Soprano: “Coronavirus and social distancing have brought me to THIS!”
    BarefootedBoy likes this.
  14. BareyMommy

    BareyMommy Members

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    Things are really not looking bright where I am right now, definitely not helped by our donkey of a president. Best of luck to you.
  15. This is a barefoot forum, not a (Trump is a dangerous, malignant asshole) political forum, so if you can’t focus on the pleasure of going barefoot, please go elsewhere (and Jagerhans, I’m really sorry for your country’s eternal agonies and that they impact you so directly). BareyMommy, I love your embrace of going barefoot. Your attitude and barefooting are equally wonderful (vote Democrat!).
  16. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    I agree lets keep the political stuff in the political forums!
  17. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Yea, this is the few places I can come without seeing bad news.
  18. My post was meant as a joke, as sarcasm. The hideous and intentional mismanagement of this crisis by our country leaves me ever more bitter about the mythology we call the United States. I go barefoot each and every goddamn day to enjoy myself as a spiteful FUCK YOU to general conditions. Love thy neighbor, indeed, but FUCK our federal government.
  19. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    Here you go getting political again!
    nuspieds likes this.
  20. j17435

    j17435 Member

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    I'm fine with a general FU to big government no matter who is in charge. But Barefoot Forum is better without any political stuff. Plenty of other forums for that
    goodearth and BarefootedBoy like this.

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