Especially at 3am, especially when they know someone else is sleeping, especially when they're on the phone are stupid. I have to put on hypnotic music to try to sleep.
this guy was in front my house once yelling on the cell phone. I yelled out the window "WTF dude I dont want to hear your conversation, the mailman used to come on my porch talking on his cell phone loud too.. listen bud I dont want to hear a gang of people coming on my porch and thats what you sound like. he stopped...
Your neighbours sound like asses from the stuff you have posted in the past. I find the best solution is white noise - like a dehumidifier. If I have that going I don't hear neighbours at all and sleep like a baby.
Why do Americans yell all the time and do they do it in their own country as well or just when they are visiting other places?
No. We're very quiet here. But I'm not a liberty to explain the required meetings we ALL have every yea-------oops.
they probably do this, because their own hearing is fucked. most likely from listening to really loud crap all the time, like their music or their tv, or possibly from working in noisy environments, or less often, from some other medical condition. i too find i have to wear earphones with spacy music playing in them to drown them and their 'entertainment' out so i can sleep. this is by contrast with natural noises, like trains or even traffic, which i can sleep with just fine.
I'm naturally loud. My whole family is. You have to be loud to be heard. There are times when my dad, sister and I are having a normal conversation and about 10 minutes into it we're all yelling. Not because we're mad. Just because you have to be louder than the other person to be heard. Every once and a while I'll stop everybody and say we need to bring it down a notch because my ears are ringing. We're passionate, opinionated Irish folk.
At 3 am that's not usually the same kind of yelling that's coming from my house, if you know what I mean haha But yeah, you probably wouldn't want to live close to me.
I assume some of you must live in apartments? The last time I heard a neighbor yelling, I called the cops....because she was yelling "Call the police! Someone call the police!" like she was getting beat by her drunk husband...which she was. So I called the cops.
I live in a house but I'm sure neighbors can still hear me sometimes. I really do try to be a good neighbor though.
yeah. what's that guy's name, dude123 or something? the one that starts typing out a post, then suddenly for no apparent reason YELLS THE REST OF IT IN CAPSLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still always remember the power outage back in college. the whole apartment complex was dark and silent, but there was one girl having a screaming fight with her boyfriend on her cell phone. after about 10 minutes, my roommate went over to the window and screamed "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the entire complex erupted into applause and cheers. anyway, back to people who yell all the time, it seems to be most extreme among ghetto people. i don't know what it is, but it's like if you grew up in a bad neighborhood, you need the entire world to hear every thought you have (even when most of your thoughts consist of "WOOOOO" and "YO NIGGA, HEY, YO, I'M OVER HERE, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!")
Yah maybe. I definitely know people who like to have the TV blasting and will yell on the phone to someone while being in the middle of a loud conversation in person all at the same time. Gives me a headache. That's the kind of multi-tasking I can't stand.