know what may help to rid of the soreness from washing my penis on that one spot for too long? (the head and tip) when it rubs against my boxers, whether i'm walking around the house or just turning in my bed, it's really painful, i put some vaseline on it help as of yet.. this has happened yesterday and on day two today.
Zinc oxide? lol no such thing as a dick being overused, what if your gf rides it on a daily basis and strokes it, sucks it... is it overused then?
Well, OP, your mother most likely used it on your A$$ when you were a baby.. Lots you don't know...hope your sore does not turn to some cancer issue. And it's amazing how so many find this funny.
You don't know any old people in your life? Mother, grandmothers etc....some day you will be there, older that is. And with age comes more wisdom and tolerance which I find missing around here.
Why listen to her. She probably doesn't even have a dick. I've gotten that "chapped" condition on mine. A triple antibiotic ointment with pain relief if its actually rubbed raw will help. If it just feels like its dried and itchy, i'd use vitamin E oil on it. It probably wont do much for instant relief but it will aid in healing and help prevent further abrasions
Whatever, zinc is a healing MINERAL...used for 100's of years .... I'm sure all you who discredit grew up with on your bottoms from your moms and your diapers....