Penis head sensitive

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by Zeroo, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Zeroo

    Zeroo Guest

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    I'm uncut and have been jerking off with foreskin over the glands since forever
    But I always noticed cut guys and some uncut Guys jerk off with the fireskin pulled back and rubbing the head wih lube or even dry. It's not yhr first time I noticed it but first time noticing it and wanting to try. So I did. I used spit and started to jerk but it felt weird and sensitive that I would get mini body shivers? I guess I would put it that way. It's not overly sensitive that it hurts. Or unbearable but I noticed that I can't cum this way. It doesn't even feel good. Does this mean that when I have sex it will be this way too? (I'm a virgin) is thee something I could do?
  2. Abyssinian

    Abyssinian Member

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    Oh, my partner gets that too. There are certain angles I have to watch out for because it's too sensitive, but it's not an issue. It's not actually that easy to stimulate the head like that by accident, as you may have noticed since you've never accidentally done it.

    Apparently it doesn't affect him at all during sex. You should have nothing to worry about
  3. georgemed222

    georgemed222 Member

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    first but become used to it fairly quickly when it happens during sex. It sometimes requires shifting positions slightly during sex to accommodate, but a little practice teaches a guy what he needs to know for this. On a different note, keep an eye on your overall penis health and use a top notch penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil); look for one with L-arginine, which is helpful in allowing relaxed blood flow in the penis. Good luck!
  4. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    Spit for lube???
    Im thinking that could cause irritation.
  5. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    Not at all - it's water based & obviously totally genetically compatible with the rest of your body.

    As far as lubricants go, for masturbation oil based lubes, such as Vaseline are fine (although they can be much more problematic for cleaning up afterwards), but if you're using a condom then water based is essential, as anything oil based will (not might - will) break down the molecular structure of the latex.

    Whenever I masturbate using my FleshLight, use of lube is essential, which also has to be water based so as not to damage the silicone material. However, as you can imagine water based lubes have a tendency to dry out before long & either need replenishing with more lube or, as I tend to do, re-hydrate them with spit.

    Also, as is sometimes the case, I can't get a result with the FleshLight & have to continue by hand, so to speak, continued lubrication is also essential as although I rarely use lube in a basic masturbation session without the use of the FleshLight, once I have been lubed up it has to remain lubed, otherwise the remaining lube continues to dry out, becoming increasingly sticky until it reaches the point at which it tends to pull at your glans. To see what I mean, if you look at the dispensing nozzle of a tube / bottle of lube, you'll find that the remnants of previous applications have turned into a rubbery texture, not unlike some solvent based glues.

    Regardless of what type of lube you opt for, be it oil or water based, the primary benefit, particularly with circumcised men, is that it returns / maintains that delightful moistness to the glans, making direct stimulation not only possible, but highly pleasurable.
  6. Hardallthetime2976

    Hardallthetime2976 Members

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    I'm cut and I like to run the area right under the head on the bottom of my cock. Several times came by just rubbing that area

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