Has anyone else ever noticed their penis growing longer in adulthood? I've noticed my own penis growing almost an inch longer, women seem to like the extra length, so I'm not complaining.
A penis will obtain it's total length during the mans progression through puberty. Puberty for men begins between the age of 10 to 16 and lasts 2 to 5 years maybe longer. The penis will grow to it's final length in the last year or so of this stage in the mans life. Let's say you entered into puberty at age 16, later than most boys. Your puberty years last for 5 or possibly more years. Now you are 20 years old and you penis has not stopped growing. That's not uncommon depending on your personal timeline for the puberty stage of your life.
I don't think mine is any bigger soft or hard than when it was when I was aged 14. Though it is different in appearance since I started 'manscaping'.
At 13 I was 3" at 18 I was 7" 21 I was 8" and been that big since. I'm 48 now and still 8" still gets rock hard and stands straight up. I have notice when my cock is soft ( not often ) my soft cocks gotten longer grew 2" since 21