My heavily pregnant girlfriend convinced me to get a pedicure with her today, and I have to admit it was pretty damn great. Maybe this belongs in the True Confessions thread, haha... I’ve gotten a couple in my lifetime before but I forgot how good they are. Judge away
Haha I know... it’s just funny how the women all look at you when you’re a guy walking in there lol... but my girl got the same looks when she walked into a cigar lounge to buy me some cigars
I couldn't do it, being touched makes me cringe. So that pretty much rules out pedicures, massages or chiropractors. I hate the doctor's office too, that feeling when he puts the stethoscope against my skin or starts pushing under my ribs. My first instinct is to hit the bastard.
A little funny pedicure story. I starting getting pedicures long before most men had the guts to do so. One particular time I had a young gal call from me from the salon where I picked for my treatment just to confirm the appointment. I really didn't think anything much of them calling me ahead of time. So, the day of my visit the nail tech was surprised to see me walk in. As it turned out, she thought someone was playing a joke on her as she was about to leave her job for another opportunity. She confessed to me that she never gave a guy a pedicure. As it turned out, she really didn't seem to mind as she took her time. It's always nice to have a cute gal tending to your bare feet.
I want to like pedicures but i have a thing about anyone touching my toenails. I cant even stand when I can feel my toenails brush up against my sheet or covers in bed...or worse, someone else's foot. Ughghgh. It sends shivers down my spine in the worst possible way. Worse than fingernails on a chalk board. Worse than touching a cotton ball
I'm pretty ticklish on the feet so if someone rubs me the wrong way there's a good chance I'm flinching and they're getting a mouthful of foot. Couples retreats like this are fun though I've been a few times for couple spa and massage sessions. The ol cucumber over the eye.
I'm with you on the massage part. No idea why anyone would want that done to him/her. We probably have overactive nervous systems. Many people actually enjoy it. It's just plain painful to me. But don't hit the doc. He might find something early that could save you from death or years of suffering.
Sounds great, I’d love a pedicure but not worked up the guts yet! My feet feel amazing from going barefoot though, my soles are quite thick but feel soft and smooth, nature’s pedicure
I dunno, i think i have sensory issues. Sidonglobophobia is the fear of cotton balls. It is also called Bambakophobia where Bambaki stands for cotton in Greek while phobos means deep dread or fear. 'Normal' people might laugh at those who are afraid of cotton balls. However for a Sidonglobophobic individual, this phobia can actually ruin one's life. Jk though, its not that bad. But when cotton rubs against itself it just weirds me out , its a weird sensation
i want to be the guy who makes up ridiculous words to describe various phobias. i feel like these are made up by a group of guys sitting in a circle passing around a bong.