I know dis shit old as shit, but its still funny and I can soooo fuckin relate lol:2thumbsup: http://youtu.be/y3asYBrRdm4 I think this is actually the whole thing on YouTube now.....it used to be only in parts before...
:juggle:irate::alien:Nobody bumped this...this is hot shit yo I can't believe it wats wrong with Yous
I will try and watch it it's just that I saw some scary documentary about PCP when I was a kid and it kind of freaked me out.I am still scared of PCP from watching that.
+Yeah, but how did PCP save his life? What is PCP anyway?and the crappng on the bed and stuff.....really? lol
Otherwise known as "Angel Dust" If I remember.Makes you feel like Superman.I wonder how it feels though.Good job I'll never have chance to find out.
Lol my PCP prescribed me PCP cuz he said i was fucked up in the head and that would make my thought process more normal