For as long as I can remember I've had a problem with my penis whereby I found erections difficult to maintain, lack of sensation in my penis head, and a tightness on the left side of my penis all the way to the base of my penis by my bum. That tightness has caused a slight curve on my penis. The pain from that tightness was/is constant and even though I've grown accustomed to the pain, I won't lie, it's really affected my whole life... insecure, lack confidence, over sensitive, and recently suicidal... But last night by chance, I am so happy, as I realised that it's been my PC muscle tensing on one side the whole time, all day and all's ike I've been scared shitless by someone and never relaxed since...So, apparently, all I need to do is relax my PC muscle with reverse kegels.... started the exercise last night and although I only managed to relieve the tension slightly, I kid you not, I cannot believe the relief I felt in my penis. When I had sex with my wife, I had the best erection of my life, the blood poured into and it was like I've been given a different penis.. My penis head was so sensitive and I've never had that feeling before.... I'm very sore today but I guess tensing my PC muscle for over 20 years, it's bound to feel tender.... Anyway I wondered if anyone else has been through this?