This summer holiday was the first time i tried lsd after having tried shrooms about 5 times within 2 years. From that point i experimented with different psychedelics (mostly lsd) once a week for about a 8-9 week period. Needless to say i've changed a lot since then and had many spiritual experiences too. Its now been about 4 weeks since my last psychedelic substence but when ever im high and close my eyes i see very clear patterns and if i meditate or just relax deeply i loose myself in visions. Its even to the point where i can look at a plain white wall and get weak patterns. I'm starting to wounder if this is sideeffects or maybe something spiritual, or maybe I've "unlocked" hallucinations for weed? It should be noted that i smoked during all my trips and i smoke regually.
Welcome to HPPD! Now you get to decide whether you want to continue psychedelic use and curb the HPPD or continue on and make it worse. It's a tough choice for one who loves to trip balls. I've been rocking HPPD for about 20 years now. While the visuals are not dehabilitating, it can be a real pain in the ass. It kills your night vision and driving on bright days really triggers the 'throbbing paisley' effect in the sky. I have the basic visuals all the time, but somethings will really kick it into overdrive. Now there is some debate about there being a mental component to HPPD. Some people think there are anxiety and depressive components to HPPD, but it's pretty unfounded and unresearched. Even though I'm anxious as fuck, I don't buy the corelation. So yeah...
eh, I don't find them cool anymore. Kinda wish I had my regular vision back. Ever tried to do soto zazen with HPPD? I wish I could stare at a white wall again and have it be white. When my sky one's kick in, it's a driving distraction I could live without. Really wish I had a shred of night vision left. That being said. I still love to trip balls, even though I know it kills my chances of getting over the visuals. Of, course at 20 years, I've kinda given up on a 'cure', so why the hell not, eh?
I am fond of vision, I wouldn't like to be without it. No. It is still white despite all your staring to have it otherwise. Because you want to fly? No one can see in the dark, eveready flash light. Me too. Like to play catch as well. The why the hell not is cause you want to see. ,
I've also been noticing some mild HPPD since my last roll in the hay with Molly. It's a bit disconcerting but it seems to be going away with small and regular dosages of weed. If you are concerned with it, just don't dose for a long time (not just until it goes away, because then tripping will bring it right back), and seeing a psychologist might help too, although if they recommend some ridiculous sedative to get rid of it, it might not be worth the trade-off.
I have HPPD too. Had it before. It goes away. I have leftover visuals from DMT. Im as horny as I was on 2c-b. my body movement is permanently altered because of xtc. and my mind just keeps expanding and expanding because of the lsd. Its fine. I just have to try to stay sober!
I have never had any major symptoms of HPPD that last longer then a few days after a trip. When I get stoned sometimes things breath a little or the letters on a TV screen will wiggle. But it is not as intense as what I would see tripping and if I don't smoke it does not happen at all. Some would say I am lucky but you guys seem like the lucky ones.
Hey sweetie! No really, many experience degeneration of sight as we age, we learn to fill in the spaces from memory. No ones suffering is special and physical processes are the same everywhere.
I never really came down fully. My brain chemistry is permanently altered. And I can get more and more out there. Ever since the DMT.. its like a new door of perception is open. Weed became more visual too... Permanent consciousness change? Or reverts back with time? I cant tell.
y Consciousness expands only. You are talking about perceptual changes. A true change of mind is fundamental. That is what mental waves or tensions in life you cultivate.
Major romanticizing going on here. I would ask what exactly does "mind expansion" mean, a term I have thrown around TONS in my earlier psychedelic days and have always had a guilty, dirty feeling about, to the point that this day I discard it as self-serving nonsense meant to justify a hedonic impulse to inebriate oneself on psychedelics. I challenge you to truly show me how your mind is "expanding", in a way which would benefit you, or people around you. There is also a huge difference between the (PERCEIVED) wisdom and understanding during the peak of a trip, and the mental changes associated with frequent dosing. I argue that those changes are more in line of mental retardation or mental alteration than they are with mental expansion. It's a really hard thing for psychedelic lovers to face but it just doesn't stop staring at you if you are honest with yourself and your habit. "What is this really doing to me?" I think that infrequent dosing of psychedelics is most likely to impart useful, major changes in your thinking styles and life behaviors; taking LSD every weekend is more likely to give you dissociation, delusions of grandeur, and a reversion to adolescent or childhood mentality. Just my two cents, from a psychedelic lover, psychedelic user, and mental health worker, who's read and seen countless reports on psychedelic use and the individuals behind it. It's not as rosy as you'd like to think, these things are powerful, like guns, and some people just won't stop shooting at their brain
Tv comes to mind as an equally insidious yet far more pervasive retardation. But I would ask if it is so that we should be ahead of our time. That is to say, we say retardation as though we already knew what growth was. We have a long way to go in understanding ourselves obviously. I don't know why people find revolting the idea that reality cannot be harmed other than they prefer to suffer.
To Thedope: "Consciousness expands only. You are talking about perceptual changes. " I thought consciousness and perception walk hand in hand and if one expands so does the other. and I think If my perception can collapse than so can my consciousness. Collapsing happenes. Try some extreme sports and you'll see. I can read the body language of others fluently. I could not do that before because I did not notice the subtle details that I can notice now. This is a huge benefit. Helps me a lot in communicating with others. I think mind/consciousness expanding is basically.. noticing more about the world after a forced fall into complexity and details. When trippin the incoming signals are not filtered properly. And you are overwhelmed by information. Signals can come from anywhere. We are full of senses. We are aware that thoughts are existing inside our heads because we have a sense that we use to observe them. And tripping is basically opening the gates, letting shit come in and then organizing the mess. Every time you trip more information enters the consciousness, expanding it like a balloon. And these informations will stay with you after the trip. You will be more aware of your surroundings. If you keep expanding it harder and harder it will pop tho. The limits of your mind can disappear, everything just scatters all around like the oxygen molecules in the air. This can be fun while tripping but I think this is what the heavy schizophrenics are suffering from. A permanently super dilated consciousness.