Do you feel as though you are a patriotic person? Are you proud of your country, or do you do things that reflect pride in your country (fly a flag, reflect upon/recite the national anthem, etc.)? I never quite related to people who were in love with their country. Even as a child I found it a strange concept, and it never really "stuck." I just don't see myself as a team player, or an inherent part of a whole. I think George Carlin put it best: "I could never understand national or ethnic pride, because to me Pride should be reserved for something you achieve on your own. Being Irish isn't a skill, it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't be proud to be 5'11". You wouldn't be proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer. " But, national pride has its benefits, I imagine. How about you? Is patriotism beneficial/desirable/part of your identity?
Being a nihilist, I am not patriotic at all. It's basically just another manufactured religion. Really, if you think about it, patriotism serves only to get people into an us vs. them mentality, so they are eager and willing to go off and fight and die in wars which they only think are for the benefit of "their" country. So I really take an issue with patriotism. And, at this point, there is nothing about America to feel patriotic about anyway. It sounds extreme, but I am all for the direction in which things are heading, which is right down the tubes. The fact is, countries are nothing more than imaginary lines drawn on a map. Where we are born doesn't change the fact that we are all human beings.
I don't fly a flag or recite shit, and I don't run around saying 'merica. Well maybe drunk biking on the fourth. Days like this"]July 4th 2013 - YouTube But yeah, I'm a patriot. Invade us or try to take our freedom and you are going to meet some snarling dogs and a whole lot of lead.
To a degree but not enough to justify anyone taking up arms. I have no desire to get caught up in the soap opera, that's why I moved somewhere we don't give a fuck and just have fun. Well, as much as is possible. Marshall law, blockades, prison camps.. then you will see the patriots emerge.
I take pride in the country I am from. I do not always support the decisions made by the government that is elected but again that does not always represent what most people may wish for in any country. I would not make any other country home. It is beautiful as far as landscape and the people are generally polite and friendly. From coast to coast the changes are amazing. We have so much land that is not inhabited that you can be in nature without effort. It is a wonderful country. I have been many places when travelling and it has been grand but home will always be Canada.
Hitler used patriotism and delusions of grandeur to control his people and whip them into a frenzy of hate. There is no glory in war, only dead and wounded soldiers and those with invisible wounds that never heal.....
Martial law. But seriously, if the patriots haven't "emerged" yet, they're never going to. It's too late anyway. America is cooked.
I'm already drunk, please forgive my grave mistake. You are so ridiculous sometimes. Coming from a cynic, you might want to check yourself. Go outside and see that life is still moving forward as usual, stop reading op-eds and watching the news.. And you are full of shit if you think they are never going to. I, for one, still have something to lose. As do millions of other Americans. Take that away and you will see that you are just plain wrong.
He expressed it perfectly. "We" is an over-used pronoun. In most real life situations, there is no "we".
I didn't ask to be born in America and I'm not proud of the way our government fucks up shit around the world just to satisfy their lust for power and wealth. So no I'm not patriotic nor am I proud of my country. I dofeel good only about the individuals and groups who try to act from a place of selflessness not inspired by greed(at least on the surface - I don't believe such a thing as altruism exists).
Thank you!! But even if all the big talking patriots had lead, it still wouldn't be enough when faced with what the military has at their disposal. That's why I say these "patriots" are being exploited as nothing more than useful idiots.
I think he means you might hear about it from some prison camp. Let me ask you if you can get over your fear of the military for a second. What do you have other than two hands to put up in the air. No wonder you are so scared.
I was antipatriotic as a teen. I'm more go america and go my local area too (sports teams and all that). I guess you can say I'm more normal and less rebellious in my ideals than i used to be
deviate, is it more a situation of simply protecting what's yours? rather than patriotism i mean? maybe rat means that if you were a "real" patriot, you would have already taken up arms and overthrew the government when they passed the...patriot act for example. but it seems that you are saying "come try to take what's mine and you'll get a bullet" which is fine. i'm just wondering which way you feel. my dad is a patriot i'd say. he flies a flag at the house. and he hates muslim terrorists and foreigners and shit like that hhaha. and he'll fucking shoot someone that's coming onto his property in a threatening manner. but not because he's a patriot. and do you really think you could stand up to the military? probably not. but maybe you think that you could stand up to a couple of local PD or something, and get outta dodge before the fucking tanks show up? i guess i'm just offering a scenario to rat. if shit in this country SERIOUSLY crumbled, i would make my way to my parents'. they have a well for water, land out in the middle of nowhere, guns and ammo, fruit trees and gardens, wood for heat. i wouldn't be trying to fuckign overthrow the government, but i would take someone out if i had to, and we would have (at least a couple) guns to do it with. i don't have any gun in my apt in the city though. i'd have to resort to knives, my hatchet and baseball bats.
oh yeah, i'm not patriotic. i think nationalism is one of the biggest things wrong with our world. it's Us vs. Them mentality. why should i feel more compassion for a fellow american that i should my canadian bretheren? or an african in the sahara, a muslim in the middle eat, or some sexy czech chick? we are all humans. i do feel lucky to have been born in america, even though it's a mild shit show at this time, there are many places that seem a hell of a lot worse. i suppose i could have gotten really lucky and been born in sweden or something though - they seem to do everything right. america doesn't do much to be proud of anymore.