Do you have it? I have found lately, that I am losing it. My husband and some others, take long pauses in conversations, I have this bad habit of finishing their sentences. How can I stop this???? Do I need therapy or wine?
We're not talking a few minutes. Its more like a half hour...or usually longer. Its like they have no sense of urgency.
I get impatient with waiting on hold or listening to the entire recording when I've called to speak to a human at an organization. I try to key out to get a live person, but it doesn't always work.
I meant public toilets. If I am out shopping, I leave it to the last minute, there is always a queue. I am almost desperate. You guys can share. Lol
You should see me in a supermarket. I'm quite happy to push elderly people out of the way. I know I should be ashamed but most of these oldies a younger than me. I have to fight to stop myself making a fist!
Moving to Mexico cured any impatience I had. Nothing is on time, everything is late, everything is done halfway, nothing is perfect. But the people are happy!