Path of Man - meaning, purpose, and building a life

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by Path of Man, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. Path of Man

    Path of Man Newbie

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    Hi chaps

    Apologies if this isn't allowed, but I hope I can share this with you.

    After separating from my soon-to-be ex-wife, I dived into the areas of psychology, neuroscience, and personal development, to be build a life and become a better man. In the process, I abstracted the concepts, and started to build a set of programmes, and scripted videos for a YouTube channel, to help other men do the same.

    If you're interested, the channel is Path of Man: Path of Man

    Thanks for reading, and I hope this will be of use to some of you.

    Path of Man

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