partners with separate bed rooms.

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Just for fun, Feb 5, 2021.

  1. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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    My wife and I have had separate bedrooms for 20 years. We both enjoy the freedom of movement when going to sleep and the feeling of my own space. We do have date nite thought. Whenever the urge arises she comes upstairs and the animalistic behavior begins. Then it ends with a swallow and a burp or a tissue. Does anyone else have separate bedrooms?
    Explorer3000 likes this.
  2. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    We have a king bed and she still sleeps right up against me, I’m not complaining :)

    I know of 2 couples that have separate bedrooms

    The one couple are only still together for the children, from what I understand they still have sex every once and a while, they are each other’s fwb ? The couple can be difficult to be around, they do not really interact with each other unless it’s for the benefit of the children and family.

    The other couple, the husband has been having health issues for about 4 years. With his health problems being what they are sex is not happening, she is a very good and dedicated wife, according to my wife she takes care of her needs herself.
    Just for fun likes this.
  3. AnyaZ89

    AnyaZ89 Member

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    My husband and I have separate bedrooms and I think it helps our sex
  4. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    Helps ?
  5. AnyaZ89

    AnyaZ89 Member

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    Yes helps
    Sambone likes this.
  6. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    Why do you think it helps ?
  7. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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    same here
  8. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    We had separate rooms for a number of years until I retired. It was most convenient that way. I had early work hours and she's a night owl. Plus her medical issues deemed she rest in a different bed so I could get some sleep. After I retired I suggested we try to sleep in the same bed and we bought a king size bed. Since I don't have to be somewhere early in the morning we can be up and down all night and it's fine.
    Just for fun likes this.
  9. crazytrain341

    crazytrain341 Members

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    We have a large spare bedroom in our house with a steel door and a steel door frame. Judging by the holes in the floor, I believe the previous owner had several very large gun safes bolted to the floor.

    This room became my office and man cave (media room). It wasn't long before my daughters discovered the Jacuzzi in the master bedroom. Now they're accustomed to using the master bathroom and my wife's female products. Now they're teenagers and they've come in to our master bedroom any time during the night to use the b/r.

    So having sex in our m/b feels kind of odd. So we started having sex in the spare room. I now call it our sex room. The doors lock automatically. No one enters this room except my wife and I. I'm quite certain our children including my son know what we do in there. But I think it is relevant for kids to learn that sex is a normal part of a healthy relationship.

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