Particularly vivid childhood/teenage memories

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Hoppípolla, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Hoppípolla

    Hoppípolla Senior Member

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    What are yours?

    For those who are still in their teens you can always mostly just say childhood memories :)

    Mine are:

    • My friend in primary school telling me the school bully was the one who burned parts of the metal fence (they were just rusty I think!)
    • Me and that same friend discussing how we were going to stop eating beef due to the BSE scare, but him them realising he was eating a corned beef sandwich and throwing it in the bin!
    • My secondary school friend going on about how he beat me in Command & Conquer in 9 minutes (long story!)
    • A different secondary school friend audibly singing "Livin' Da Vida Loca" to himself before a lesson began.

    I'll put more later probably!

    So how about you? ^_^
  2. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    None seem super vivid right now. I need to daydream a bit. Some old ones though i can remember all the little details. My house burning down i grabbed the cat and ran down the street.
    Another time kind of related my aunt wasnt allowed to have any extra people in her apartment but 5 of us were staying there for the summer until we got a new place. And i told a friend there that i lived there and my sister told him that we were just visiting. My friends father turned to me and said "i thought you said you lived there" i got in trouble when i got i mean when i got back to my aunts house where i was visiting.
  3. JackZenHemp

    JackZenHemp Guest

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    Oh man, I have so many. My mom was single with us 3 kids (eventually turned into 5) and so we were all over the place moving from school to school and friends to friends. It was hard to connect with others because I was wary of making friends seeing as how when you move as much as we did, I wasnt gonna be around for long.

    With that being said,
    I remember riding down an alley on my scooter, signing "im gonna getcha getcha getcha, one wayyy or another I'm gonna find youu, and getcha getch getcha.." I was singing it to a much older boy who probably thought I was a psycho stalker. I may have been...back in the

    Or this one time me and a friend of my mom's daughter were taking a ride in her mini van and I randomly blurted out to her "HEY my mom got me awesome underwear. Guess what's on it!" she said "scooby doo?" and I'm like "YEAH!" and she pulled her pants down to show me that she was wearing the same ones but in a different color. Rad. Lol.

    I'm 20 now...I should still have so many cool memories coming.:) But I do work a TON. I'm thankful to work at home and make cool stuff with hemp ;) Ha!!


  4. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I remember my little sister, taking a bottle from behind the curtain under the sink...and taking a swig...well, fancy leaving that stuff there! I secretly hoped it would make her very sick, which it did :)

    I remember looking through the tiny gap in the door where my uncle lay dead! Two strange looking guys pushing his legs down...seems he didnt fit his box! God knows what i really seen, i was 6..

    Laying on the river bank, boy friend next to me, aged about 14 me...mmm yeah, i remember it well...
  5. wcw

    wcw Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I remember my older sister teaching me to count into my teens a year before I was supposed to learn to in school. She was learning the teen numbers at the time in her class.
  6. magic_rocks

    magic_rocks ٱللهِ ٱلرّ

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    I had a friend in 5th grade with whom I used to draw pictures of Command & Conquer during classes, pretending we were designing bases and paratroopers and tanks &c. I haven't thought about that in almost twenty years!

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