Particle Man

Discussion in 'Poetry' started by wooleeheron, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Particle Man

    Particle man, particle man,
    Doing the things a particle can.
    What's he like? It's not important.
    Particle man Is he a dot, or is he a speck?
    When he's underwater, does he get wet?
    Or does the water, get him instead?
    Nobody knows, Particle man.
    Triangle man, Triangle man, Triangle man hates particle man,
    They have a fight, Triangle wins, Triangle man.
    Universe man, Universe man, Size of the entire universe man!
    Usually kind to Smaller Man, Universe Man,
    He's got a watch with a minute hand,
    Millennium hand and an eon hand,
    When they meet it's a happy land!
    Powerful man, universe man.
    Person man, person man,
    Hit on the head with a frying pan!
    Lives his life in a garbage can.
    Person man, is he depressed or is he a mess?
    Does he feel totally worthless?
    Who came up with person man?
    Degraded man, person man.
    Triangle man, triangle man,
    Triangle man hates person man!
    They have a fight, triangle wins, Triangle man.
    Particle Zoo, Particle Zoo, Does whatever particles do,
    They have a fight, Soliton wins, Particle Zoo.

    Soliton Man, Soliton Man does whatever a soliton can,
    Atlas Man, Atlas Man he doesn’t like Soliton Man,
    They had a fight, Atlas Man won.
    Atlas Man, Atlas Man holds up the world whenever he can,
    Singular Man doesn’t like Atlas Man,
    They had a fight singular man won.
    Singular Man, Singular Man, does whatever a Singularity can.
    They had a fight, Singularity One, Singular Man.
    (They Might Be Giants)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
    Born25YearsTooLate likes this.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Here's yet another song with vague lyrics that fit the theme perfectly. I added the last few lines and I may have to tweak them a bit to express the singularity physics more fully. Whether a particle is a soliton wave, self-organizing, should become debatable if I'm correct, pissing off a lot of physicists. Whether a black hole's event horizon is self-organizing or not becomes something that can never be directly proven and only inferred. It makes geometry context dependent, allowing space and time to exchange identities.

    Note that despite the seriousness of the physics behind it, the song also expresses how a child views the people around them. Context is everything, and to a child the people around them tend to resemble caricatures.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018

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