Anyone else love this application? I have it on my iphone which I seldom use, but I listen to it all day at work on my laptop through a mini component stereo (to the dismay of one of my coworkers - a 60 year old redneck).. and I just found out about So now I am currently probably pissing my entire street off playing it through my big system at the house.
Hell yeah I love it. I use it on my phone and through my entertainment system. The Sublime channel is my favorite. It doesn't just stick to similar music but it plays everything from the 60s onward that encompasses the same spirit. I heart radio is pretty good. I'be found that its better for some things but Pandora is better for others. For example, the sublime channel on I heart radio sticks to that ska sound and doesn't venture very far. But other channels can be better than pandora. I also use spotify, but not as much. I've been debating whether or not to pay for the spotify premium subscription. It seems worth it.
You only get 40 hours a month on the phone app if you don't pay. On the computer, you don't have to sweat it. I have pandora on ALL day. I love it. I listen to the Misfits and Iration stations the most.
Yeah I have spotify but haven't gotten into it too much. Pandora just really seems to flow with me, I can pick an artist that suits my mood that day and the station just continually blows my mind all day. It's the best. Sublime is good, really varied. Same with social distortion radio.
You know... many, many years ago a friend of mine told me to check out Pandora, so I used it for a month or so.. the thing is- I really didn't much like the stuff they were recommending to me- some of it I flat out hated and I had no idea why they kept suggesting to me stuff that really sounded, imo, nothing @ all like the stuff I had searched for... But I kept on thinking "well, I suppose it just takes time... keep trying"... I mean, I'd put in Tool songs (still one of my fav, fav bands ever...), and get, like Nickleback or some shit. So, I ended up giving up on Pandora and never went back to it. This was back when it first came out and no one had really heard of it. Since then, in more recent years, I hear about everyone and their brother saying they adore Pandora so much and it just makes me wonder. Maybe they improved it? Maybe there's some secret to it that I didn't know about? Who knows... Maybe I'll try it out again sometime soon and see if I have any better luck.
Ahh. Yeah I paid for pandora one or whatever, it got annoying hitting 'yes I'm still listening' every fucking 20 mins. It's still kind of lame though in that it still pauses about two or three times through my work day. I listen to the misfits station a lot too. And the ramones and rancid :2thumbsup: Lately I've been all about some indie pop though. Mgmt, the strokes, both good stations.
I think you have to put in artist for best results not a song. Because it is so specific how they choose, it's hard to explain but try artists. Here's an example I have voxtrot radio on and it just played some albert hammond jr, belle and sebastian, radical face and fucking cursive which is such chill music and I totally forgot about. Haven't listened to cursive in years :2thumbsup: I love that shit
Okay... I feel so inspired, or maybe I should say compelled, but regardless, I'm gonna go to Pandora now and try some artists and see what happens... not that I'll be able to tell too much either way tonight, but yep, heading that way now.. (I think I'll start off putting Kurt Vile in as artist)--- edit- I can tell right away-from just typing in Kurt Vile and them playing wakin on a pretty day... with some stuff typed up about the artist and his life and the style of music- in addition to how the background looks... actually how the entire set up looks, that it is MUCH different than it was last time I tried out Pandora... and much better I can pretty much be sure.
Thanks. Yea... it is just MUCH different than it was when it first came out... I'm glad (so far!) that I decided to try it out again... this is what they're playing for me after the actual kurt vile song..."]Singing Joy To The World - YouTube I like it. happy and peaceful.