
Discussion in 'Asia' started by aali_baba, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    hi, every one :)

    i come here around 4 days agao and find that Pakistan is missing here ;)

    so i am creating this secion :) and i hope i will be helpful for you to understand know Pakistan other then Media :)

    i can guide you for travel as well and also alot more :)

    all questions are welcome :)
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  2. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    As a female, would I need to cover?
    Is it safe to travel from Iran to Pakistan (Balochistan) by train?
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  3. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    How stable would you say Pakistan is politically? I worry that the government will eventually fall and then a nuclear country will be controlled by religious extremists. [​IMG]
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  4. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    no you dont need to cover your face or arms , i mean a jeans and top is good enough for you . i am posting few pics of foreign visitors so you can believe on :)
    by balochistan its not safe . irani Balochistan is more unsafe then the Pakistan one but i think you must avoid both ,

    best is you fly from iran to Islamabad . or karachi . Islamabad is more suitable for you and then you can go every where by road and its safe all the way . :)

    are you planing visit i can give you guidance for the fairy land ;) trust me its more beautiful then many places of the world . from desert to highest peaks of the world :) every thing is here :)

  5. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    first thing nuclear assets have nothing to do with political Govt . they are under control of Pakistan Army . and check out the rating of Pakistan Army world wide . i think its in top 3.
    the secret agency of pakistan Army ISI is on top yes above CIA :) so dont worry abut that at all infect you can google it and check .

    abut political Govt its not that stable as in world most countries . but visitors have nothing to do with it .

    now come to religious extremists .............. trust me or not ........... they do not exist ........... now why media show it . and why you see every day news and etc .......... its a long debate ....
    i am very new here and i dont want to go in those arguments :) yes i am available on other personal chats to discuss and give you proves of millions things ......
    i will not ask you to see any thing i will ask you to search .........

    remember my friend if you search German comics ........ google show news abut soccer team of Germany :D every thing is very controlled :D

    just remember i am 37 yeras old :D i never have a beard , my daily dress is jeans and tshirt ......... still alive every one of my family is alive ..... i am Soft engr ...... have a software house ............. we work for USA and canadian based clients mostly ........... and they do not accept a single day off or an hour delay work :D this is the prove that every thing is extremely normal :)
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  6. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    Naran, Kaghan Valley
    Town in Pakistan

    Naran is a medium sized town in upper Kaghan Valley in Mansehra District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of the Pakistan. It is located 119 kilometers from Mansehra city at the altitude of 8,202 feet.

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  7. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    I'm sorry, but I just don't but it.
    To claim that religious extremists do not exist in a country where Bin Laden was successfully hiding for a while...just ridiculous.

    Also, Peshawar many attacks on Christians that we keep reading about....Pakistani Talibans...

    The only people who say religious extremists don't exist ARE religious extremists.

    I am sure it's a beautiful country and there are nice people (like there are nice people in every part of the world) but I call bullshit on this.
  8. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Good for you.

    Next time we hear about an attack in Pakistan we will not believe it because you wear jeans, don't have a beard and have a good job.

    All media lies, a giant conspiracy.
  9. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    actually their is no point of arguments . because for arguments you have to be neutral first .
    neutral dose not mean that you start to believe on every what i say .
    neutral means you try to understand the evidence i provide . and then reject them

    bin Ladin was a drama ......... now go and check every one saying 9/11 was inside jobe their are so may mistakes in it and so it got detected that it was inside job right ?
    same is the case of bin ladin ........ who was bin ladin ? its only a story ..... no body watch his dead body ....... had any one ?
    why CIA never ever able to get the chennel from which bin ladin use to send videos to TV called Aljazira ..........
    have you ever notice the dead pic of bin ladin and the pics they have before it ? he use to have white hairs in his beard ....... and when got died he was his hairs were pure black :D
    i wonder the biggest terrorist was coloring his hairs while American attack :D

    have you ever listen abut Black water ? what is Black water and how it works ?

    if you have some knowledge please do share with me . what is black water ...... what kind of projects they do work on . and how they do work on ?

    my friend you need to be in river to check the depth :) and please dont take any of my word as negative ........
    i am a human and i can be wrong ........ but i am talking were i live ..........
  10. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    hahaha thats i just said because i meet many pplz on internet who think we are like the picture of taliban which media show ......

    even afgahn taliban .......... who traind them ? who was the best friend of them ? who produce them ? any idea ?
  11. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    Shangrila Resorts
    Skardu velly


  12. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Ahhh this is so typical.
    Instead of acknowledging that there ARE religious extremists in Pakistan (and you said there weren't) you go and start listing other countries' shit and wrong-doings.
    Yes, USA is evil and responsible for the Talibans.
    How is that the topic here?

    We are not talking about Afghani talibans. We are talking about Pakistan.

    I am starting to see a pattern here...Another Muslim member here likes to do the same thing.
  13. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    You provided none.
    I asked - if there are no religious extremists what happened to Malala or in Peshawar for example?
  14. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    No, it's not.

    But that's not the issue.
    Look, it's great that your country is beautiful and all that, but it's far from heaven on Earth, so don't feed us bullshit. Be realistic.

    You said you didn't want to get into those arguments and that you were available to contact privately.
    Why sweep the unpleasant things under the rug?
  15. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    ok boss :)
  16. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    If I am Indian will I be attacked if I walk around?
  17. aali_baba

    aali_baba Members

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    i dont think so .......

    i think i will also not get attacked by indians in india untill and unelss i do some thing which make them attack

    here indians visit frequently who have family i am talking abut both the hindu and muslim believers . even the business persons ....
  18. Piaf

    Piaf Senior Member

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    Any pics that you took yourself?
  19. old tiger

    old tiger Senior Member

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    i agree fully with what baba says about Baluchistan...the train from Zahedan runs only once a week...and it goes via Dalbandin,Nokkundi etc..sometimes sandstorms,train get stuck etc..the Baluchis are a strange lot...if you upset a Baluchi you might end up with a knife in your belly...i did have no problems in 1972..but that's NOT fact i talked to Baluchis on the train...if they trust you or you become're friends forever...they will walk trough a fire for Pakistan trains you'll get lots of staring...but there's nothing wrong in that...Pakistanis are friendly and curious people...when i was in Lahore i did meet nice not talk about politics,Islam,situation India/Pakistan,atom bombs etc...Pakistanis like music,movies...ask babaa..on my return when Afghanistan was stiil open i travelled via Peshawar...i went via Khyber pass towards Jalalabad and Kabul??you can read all in my old blog

    @beautiful Piaf...are you planning a visit to Pakistan/India?
    greetings,and peace and love to all of you

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  20. mallyboppa

    mallyboppa Senior Member

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    It must Be just here in the UK that they hate the Mortal sight of each other ?
    I work with these Guys and they are always Kicking off had to break up a fight just last week
    ( and I am getting Too old for this Shit TBH )

    I have worked in India (Cochin ) and met some lovely people there !
    But to say there is no India - Pakistan tension is untrue !
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