Hi all. Need some input here.. I had an encounter with a female where she was handling my penis with her hands. She gripped my penis very tight but also gripped my left testicle right and squeezed very hard for a few seconds. I felt a momentary sharp pain. She grabbed my penis and finished me off. The next morning I was perfectly fine. However later at the gym I noticed some soreness in my left testicle. The rest of the day went on ok with the soreness. The next day it was very painful. I was walking funny to work and I had to take pain killers. I figured this pain would subside by the next few days... it’s been about a week now and have been dealing with this pain with pain killers and plenty of rest. It feels better now however through the last week there were times I could barely walk with the pain rising up to my lower abdomen. I was also unable to work out. I think I should be ok in a few days... but has anyone ever experienced this before? Any inputs?
I was playing this quiz game the other day and got a question wrong (again). Got a bit frustrated and went to give myself the ole knee slap to vent and somehow my aim was so off I slapped my own um, yeah. Testicle. One of them, anyway. I laughed at myself, but on the inside I wept.
Is there any swelling? Because if there is you may have testicular torsion and would need to see a doctor ASAP
I agree with 'Hotwater'. If you are having any swelling, see your doctor. It could be, what he said, or it could be a hydrocele. I was in a fight and got one of those from a kick and had to have surgery. And, while you're looking for a doctor you might look for a new girlfriend.
Yeah I really meant thigh. Mah baaaad I was laying down when I did it, I’m not sure what I was aiming for truth be told, but I’m positive it wasn’t ole Righty.
You guys and your nuts.. keep me tied up and out of harm's way if you dont like them touched... But yeah.. check your nuts guys.. regular. Anything dont seem normal, get em checked. My dad died of testicular cancer at 70, all because he was embarrassed.. Really not worth it..