i am chillin at my mommies house and i am watching the movie "GO" it is making me miss my raver days. i wanna get all candied out and liquid dance my ass off
if i got my glowstix i have no need for undies FuZzY!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i dunno what the fawk that is supposed to mean but it sounded good when i thought it
i knew a couple of ex-friends of mine who were ravers, thought they were vampires and started drinking red wine calling it blood and cut themselves in various places calling it sacrifices....they were crazy mofos. thats why i stay away from beverly hills
i forgot how crazy this movie is, i was never into the vampire thing tho, mainly phatty pants candy jewelry, binkies, visors blah blah blah............ i love me some drums n bass . . . . . . yeah i hang out with my mom sometimes.......
awww u used to be a raver. I used to be a goth that progressed into a punk then mellowed down into this I had hot pink hair, god I miss that...fun times heres a really blurry pic of my pink hair on an old ID card...took a pic of a pic w/ a webcam
i was a chamelion in school went hippie, punk ,raver, goth, emo blah blah my style changed every day depending on my mood i love pink hair
I don't know what I was like in high school. I was kind of a theater kid wallflower thing.... One guy described me as "the cool girl that sits behind you in art class that you're too wimpy to talk to." I think it was a compliment.
I was quite a trip in high school. 9th grade started out total goth...I'd wear all kinds of kinky things like corsets, fishnet, boots, chains, i wore a leash and paled myself out did the whole black lipstick blue hair thing. I used to carry my whip around, had lots of piercings. was a real creepy kid, lol. Then in 10th grd I got less depressed and stopped the weird makeup and changed my hair to hot pink. I got really into ska music and I'd wear those stupid big pants and tons of those funny plastic braclets and I had a cool band. 11th grade I was the same way, I was always into hanging out with the guys and cars and stuff. then i met the guy I have kids with and mellowed out. he got me into the dead and other stuff. I turned into a mommy and stayed mellower though I still have my days and piercings lol I def. miss my fun freedom.
i was always secretly diggin the hippy lifestyle but too stubborn cuz my parents r hippies eventually i caved lol
I was so happy when I read this! I ran through the whole spectrum of style changes too! I started out with the "grunge" look, then to "goth", then a phase that I simply like to call "Rock Star", and then "raver", and finally to a more Bohemian look... All that in a span of like 3 years in high school!! I loved it! Sometimes I will come across and old pair of HUGE pants or a long black skirt and I will long for the good ol' days! lol
I got really pissed in high school because I always wore scarves for belts and cheesy t-shirts and dirty hippie skirts and people kind of looked down on me, but like 6 months later, they were all wearing the same damn things and paying three times and much for it! I hated all of them. Then I lost my image. So I fuckin dropped out! Yeah! Well...I didn't....really...