I just had oral surgery yesterday. I have opiate pain killers, and a bottle of ibuprofen. I'm taking it in 800mg doses. Here's the deal, OTC isn't quite enough, but even half the opiate is overkill. The pain seems more like referral pain, not site pain. Acupressure is ok, but there's still some sharp pain I'd like to clear out. I'll take the opiate tonight, and sleep. But I need to get something accomplished tomorrow. What could I stack with the ibuprofen for a day? I barf up acetaminophen.
bump the ibu to 1000, don't know if you smoke, but smoke some heavy indica or get some CBD heavy weed/product and that will help. I'm sure you could find some straight CBD products. you are in Co., correct? orison has been reporting good pain management with CBD
With Oral surgery you shouldn't smoke whatsoever for at least 48 hrs....I'd go for more smokeless hours, if you have any pain...and you will have pain if you smoke too soon. Edibles would do nicely...but I'll be honest, I can't imagine a whole opiate not being what the hell I'd need if I was going through oral surgery - and I have gone through a LOT of oral surgery. More than I'd like to recall. Go with both ibuprofen as well as acetaminophen. Using both of those helps me more than just one. I think 1000 mg sounds like a lot of ibuprofen. A lot of one thing of it will make me nauseous.
I bumped up my am dose to 1000. Worked. Thanks! Yes, I'm in CO. But I'm so burned out on pot smell and serious pothead behavior that I need a break. My housemate/landlord slipped me a THC lollipop, just in case.
No experience with tooth pain. I imaging that it would work. It's an Anti-inflammatory.. Most tooth site pain only last a day or so. If you have nothing to do .. Sleep it out.
Surgical site Px 90 percent gone. Took ibuprofen for a week. No meds currently. Now, because they sawed into my upper jaw, my pain syndrome thinks something's wrong. That's something I can live with, referral pain on the fascial line. Thanks for the advice. And I gave the lollipop back.
The only thing I know is about Ibuprofen because I have sciatica; which is in your back and I realize therefore has little to do with oral surgery pain, but what I know is you're supposed to take lots of water with it because it's an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). I'm not sure CBD would be strong enough for what you must be going through, but you could try it out! They make edibles that have a lot of CBD, like I don't recall this being as effective as I would have liked for my sciatica. What I found for myself was that using medical marijuana to treat pain was basically just a head change and that's what it really helped with, but it could also provide some (and I mean only some) pain relief as well. So, my short abridged answer about medical edibles is: I really don't know, but you could try!
How do you treat it. I came down with it in the 80's after hysterectomy and worked hard hard hard with workers including Pelvic Floor Workers...and it got much much better and now since hip replacement 10 yrs ago it's back with a blaze and I cannot go to all the workers I did years ago.. What do you suggest? I do a lot of stretching and BTW I'm 82. Sitting is a major issue....there is DDD I deal with too in back.