[SIZE=14pt]Orgullo - Hispanic Pride Celebration[/SIZE] Miami Beach - Saturday, October 4, 2014 by Shale Like last year, I went to this Hispanic Pride celebration because it is just six blocks from where I live. Oh, and I live in SoFlo - while I may not be Hispanic, I've been with enuf Latinos to qualify. http://www.hipforums.com/forum/topic/450313-hispanic-gay-pride-miami-beach-2013/?hl=%2Borgullo+%2Bhispanic+%2Bpride+%2Bcelebration This year it was not as many ppl or booths as last year. No underwear models for a dirty old man to pose with but I did mingle and got a few fotos of participants and one participant got a foto of me. There was a non-descript booth with an interesting looking woman so I enquired about it. Turns out it was the Gayface 1st Class LGBTQ Photography Project of Ashley Kolodner. So, I posed with my own personal background and added one more participant in this project. I think my personal Pride shirt was a draw. More on the Gayface Foto Project: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/04/gayface-ashley-kolodner_n_4038557.html Mostly I got pix this time of the ppl working, such as the kids from Save who were gathering signatures on a petition for protections in the workplace. There were a couple of Orgullo volunteers who seemed too alike in appearance not to be a couple.
And a couple of Latinas who were obviously together There were stage performances and dancing as only gay performers can do. Oh, and the MIami Beach Police Dept gay friendly car that comes out in all these events. I shoulda asked if it sees actual duty. It was a mixed weather day, mostly sunny but a couple of squall type rainstorms came up for a few minutes then went away. Since the event is in my neighborhood I walked over to Walgreen's during a lull and got my flu shot. I suppose with my Pride T-shirt I am now out to Boris the Cubano farmacist that I have known for years.
Why is there a separate Pride just for Hispanics? Why not just the main Pride? This seems divisive and is not the direction I want to see my country head in. Nice pics though
Actually, I believe this is Hispanic Heritage month, which is why they include Orgullo at this time. Most places have their Pride events in June but we usually have our big Pride event in Miami Beach in April. And, not devisive at all since most participants in any event in South Florida are Hispanic. BTW, I go to Orgullo and I'm not quite Hispanic myself. Altho that pic of my Pride shirt has Raul as one of my lovers - so guess that's a pass. That and the fact that I have had more Hispanic penga in my mouth here than any other ethnic.