Hey... I have been pillow humping from a very young age with a few "pause" times inbetween. Vaginal sex can be fun sometimes but not fun enough. Sometimes it even hurts, but that's a different story. Back in 2011 my ex boyfriend went down on me and it was the first and last time I had an orgasm thanks to cunnilingus. I can come with a vibrator but I have to lay on my back, legs stretched and I either need porn or my boyfriend penetrates me and plays with my nipples. All I want is to be able to enjoy cunnilingus again and to be able to play with mysef and enjoy it so I can enjoy sex with someone else in different positions without the need of toys or pillows. Help? Thank you.
I had an ex that needed me to suck on her nipples while she masturbated. Some times i had to half penetrate her to stimulate her g spot. Once she came i could do what i wanted. I think it was too much sex for her that desensitized her. She could cum from regular penetration after a long time of not having sex. But she did take longer than most to cum. Perhaps it takes some experimenting to find out what you like to get you there.
You need to find a loving partner who will experiment with you to help you reach orgasms. It'll be fun trying and there are lots of different positions to try and have fun with. You just need a boyfriend who's willing to make the journey with you. It'll be fun so enjoy!
Hello, thank you both for the comments. I have talked to my partner about this problem, that I cannot seem to orgasm and wenfound a way with the vibrator. I haven't told him about the pillow humping. He always tries his best, sometimes he will just try to pleasure me without asking me to do the same in return. So I do have the loving partner I don't masturbate that often anyway. It varies from once or twice per week to once every two or three. Like I said, penetration can be enjoyable but most of the times I feel "nothing". I need new genitals.
I had sex with a girl that felt nithing when i went down on her but she was a lesbian. She had no emotional connection with my gender but did orgasm from penetration. My penis is on the thick side. Perhaps it might be a shape issue. Some girls need more girth or length. Some need more clitoris contact so doggy is prefered. Some need anal simulation.
You are too desentized from humping pillow just like me.. I can't come with hands. Stop masturbating with pillows and wait..
Hello =) The shape and length are fine, sometimes it hurts a bit because he can go quite deep inside. I don't know... I want to cry =(
I haven't humped anything for two weeks and I am not planning on doing it again any time soon. Has it worked out for you? I am FRUS TRA TED
Perhaps its the technique that he uses when he eats you. Perhaps he isn't repeatative enough like a vibrator. Or he might be concentrating on your clit too much. My wife likes me to eat her vagina and work up to sucking on her clit with fingers in her. Maybe you are distracted like you think you smell or perhaps you need his cock in your mouth so it is a mutual pleasure versus laying there
Maybe a sex therapist would help? It sounds like you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to reach the "goal" of orgasm but what about not having that as a goal - instead enjoy the other parts of touching and relax - perhaps do this when you have all the time I the world so you don't feel pressured to orgasm - if you orgasm great if not so be it - don't be so hard on yourself - also ditch the porn - make emotional connections with real people - good luck
Thank you for the comments. I haven't humped anything for a while now and I have managed to cum by using my fingers, which is, I think, a great step. Now all I need is to learn how to focus. Therapy is an option and a tantric massage too =P