Have you ever received a "Happy Ending?"I have had it happen maybe about 8 times or so. I try to avoid the really "seedy" places but I managed to meet an older woman that runs a small local business within an office building. It started because the first time I went she told me to undress to my level of comfort. So of course I just laid face down on the table completely naked with only a hand towel over my bum. When she got to my glutes I was completely erect. She was brushing my shaft constantly and it turned into a very light prostate massage. She asked something like "is this ok with you?" Next thing I know I am on my knees and elbows almost doggy style and she is stroking me and holding tissues underneath the tip! It made a mess but the orgasm was intense.
Had massages with happy endings, and my favourite ones are when I returned the favor. The one particular woman in question
I have had many happy endings. Handjob, blowjob and full sex. I try to get to an Asian massage parlor twice per month. It is a great way to finish a relaxing massage.
Yes frequently, I've been a massage therapist for years and colleagues and friends practice their technique on me. Also, I've had many massages in many countries I've visited, happy endings and full sex are common in some countries, the beach salas are my favourite, show respect and pay well and they offer more than just full service.
I've had plenty of happy endings. Always enjoy them and I've found a few regulars who I see privately.