They then mounted the chip on a Lego EV3 robot and programed it to run a maze, learning as it goes. I used to program Lego Mindstorms robots and I have a few laying around but the CPUs have all died and they were an older version.
What's new under the sun ? When they started DNA manipulation and cloning back in the day, it had been since the 70s that they started it !!! Remember, when these events hit the public, they've been done years before.
The first law is that a robot shall not harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to harm. The second law is that a robot shall obey any instruction given to it by a human, and the third law is that a robot shall avoid actions or situations that could cause it to come to harm itself.
Of course, these laws will either have to be revisited, changed or completely rejected, depending on how robots change and compromise with humans in all sectors. One thing is for sure, AI is not helping us to fully understand where robotics is heading
If you read the novels you soon discover that the three laws, actually four laws, never worked in practice.
Sci fi novels are one thing , real life is another ! In any case, Asimov theorized that these laws were to be adopted, but whether manufacturers followed them or not is another matter.
They seemed fine. They just couldn't work the laws around unpredictable humans. Maybe animals would have been easier to work with.
The first story to mention all three laws together was Runaround, 1942. In it the three laws are shown to conflict with each other as the robot, Speedy, is found to be locked in a circling loop around a selenium pool that it had been instructed to retrieve selenium from, due to a conflict between the 2nd and 3rd laws. Similar conflicts arise throughout his robot stories involving the laws even into the late novels in the Foundation series. The Zeroth Law came into being at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania when the robot Giskard developed it to save mankind but in so doing came into conflict with the First Law and subsequently fatally malfunctioned.