A friend is looking to move to the State, has a "rather large" museum grade collection of old western rifles, handguns, some more "modern muskets" but the majority of it is wild west era stuff. Is the state going to bend him over for a registry fee on each piece or will they work a deal for bulk lots? Just trying to get the homework out of the way :book:
It's been my experience that this state does not care if guns are registered or otherwise. He may be very surprised at what gun shops can carry here. You in Oregon, Fritz?
Not *yet* but we're in early house hunting stage now. Also seems one can make their own Ethanol from crop waste without a license!!? http://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/471.230
Silly BATF people wanting to know who's brewing and boiling what, why and for whom so they know what to tell the IRS to expect from you come tax time I'd reckon? :wall: But in other news, it seems a license to operate a distillery in the event you really want to make some "Sun" shine (Wtf not solar power eh? ) is only $100,,, so Still worth pursuing if it makes the Cops that much less a hassle for the sake of having their little stamp of approval. It's like a $3k affair where I'm at now. They named it "Crook County" for a good reason.
As an Oregon native and longtime owner of many, many firearms (NFA and otherwise), I can state with confidence that unless your friend has any firearms that need to be registered with the BATFE, he can ship them into Oregon by the trailer-trailer load and no one (government or otherwise) will bat an eye. (Well, maybe the bed-wetting liberals that infest Portland, but other then that...)