Ordered some stuff for the nostalgia

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by kobechan, May 10, 2014.

  1. kobechan

    kobechan Guest

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    I've had the entire day to myself for the first time in a long time and I spent it smoking on the back porch smoking and thinking about my younger days. Back when I would spend all of my time reading everything I could find on Erowid and Bluelight, wishing there was some way I could get my hands on some of the stuff I was reading about.

    I was always looking for someone who would let me deliver a package of Hawaiian Woodrose and Yopo seeds from Bouncing Bear Botanicals to their house. I never could though, and BBB doesn't sell these things anymore, it was something that I just sort of forgot about.

    Today however I really thought about how much these obscure (and in all likelihood unpleasant) entheogens used to mean to me, and I'm going to try to bring that mysteriousness unknown-ness and awe back when I prepare and consume the HBWR, Yopo, and Cebil seeds that I just ordered.

    Also, I'm interested in hearing anybodies experiences with Yopo and Cebil.
  2. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    I was unable to break through with Cebil seeds multiple times, and multiple ways. The lime powder snuff seemed to work the best, as gooey extracts were extremely unpleasant to smoke. It was a very chaotic trip from what I remember, with lots of spiraling fractal images. I also saw somewhat of a spirit guide woman with many arms and many legs the more I tried to humanize her. I also observed the world breaking down into a "blueprint" with everything labeled and categorized perfectly by name. The blueprint effect scared me actually, so I enjoyed the spirit woman and the realm of thoughts more. It was a little nauseating at first and sort of hard to get your bearings. It's a very intense trip when you break through (baseline effects don't even prepare you for the void) so maybe have a sitter there for your first time. Best of luck, and have a good Bufotenine journey!

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