Greetings all !...i have just registered , and do not know to what depth i can post a question , but i have a question about orange sunshine from the 60's , i got a recipe from a guy in jail..( not jail because of something such as this , but fighting,,lol )..and have failed at 3 attempts at making it , the instructions call for it to be made with wheat germ , but have been told it is fermented rye that makes it , could someone clarify this for me on the grain to use ?...any help would be appreciated...thanks !..
it's not made from wheat germ or fermented's made from ergot mold i think. just stop dude. you're not gonna be able to make it.
just stop dude. you're not gonna be able to make it just stop dude. you're not gonna be able to make it just stop dude. you're not gonna be able to make it just stop dude. you're not gonna be able to make it just stop dude. you're not gonna be able to make it
sorry but lol, for real pdolly not going to happen. all the researh I have done has shownthat you are going to need roughly 20 grand in chemistry equiptment and a masters in chemistry to pull off making something such as ald 52"]Orange Sunshine-Ruler of the Universe (2007) - YouTube ... and there's no expiration date :biggrin:
Without detailed scientific training in chemistry and biology you're going to waste a lot of time and money trying to make this, and you will likely be hurt by the toxic compounds and lifeforms you are messing with. you should probably check on the internet first to see if your source in jail (who sounds so amazingly trustworthy) is actually speaking the truth. he isn't.
accent on the detailed. even having multiple degrees in biochemistry doesn't qualify one to make LSD. you really have to know exactly what the fuck you're doing. so if you're asking questions like in the're a L-O-N-G way off god speed to you please start pumping out LSD, because even after i earn my PhD in biochem...i still won't be able to make my own
Tbh if i was as serious as your trying to sound and knew wtf i was doing. (i wouldnt) I would contact the original maker of it. He seemed like a cool guy on the documentary i watched and didnt regret a second of it. he said he believed the his work was so important and the world needs lsd.
What your talking about is not LSD but ergot poisoning. It is a trip of sorts and there are examples in history of it occurring but it is not something you want to happen. This is what a recipe for LSD would look like. If you can understand this you could do it. It is an old urban legend that LSD can be made by anyone in a bath tub.