Oral sex with hands cuffed behind

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by Deleted member 313278, Nov 16, 2019.

  1. Has anyone any experience with mixing bondage with oral sex. My gf wants to try giving oral with her hands in shackles. She's usually pretty vanilla when it comes to accessories but we do own a pair of handcuffs from when I worked in security.

    Does it enhance the experience for either party or is it one of those things where the idea is more fun than the act?
  2. barefootPatrick

    barefootPatrick Members

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    It could make it more erotic. Neither of you have anything to lose. Try it!
    Into_the_wild likes this.
  3. CandyCane1990

    CandyCane1990 Members

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    i've been tied to the bed posts and had my mouth fucked, not for everyone i suppose but i found it hot
  4. Ropes or handcuffs?
    James Fenters likes this.
  5. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Like most sexual activity, "does it enhance" depends on the participants rather than the activity.
    Give it a try, if you like it, do it again.

    Also, you might look at why you are hesitating. Does the scene of her being helpless and pleasuring you decrease your fun?
  6. It's a good point you make. Like if I'm totally honest I'm probably not as dominant as she is submissive so there's a bit of imbalance there. She really likes the handcuffs but I'm more into other things.
  7. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    It sounds like the hand cuffs have been used for other fun.
    Is it that you are indecisive or want sex to be mutual (vs. my turn/your turn) or creeped out by the forced sex imaging.

    I know that when I see porn, the sub/dom porn confuses me. OK sub/dom I get it, but why do so many doms want to hit their sub or cause pain? That's probably a porn thing, but the whole master slave scene (in porn) doesn't make sense to me. (If they are submissive, why do they need to be tied up?)

    When playing with my wife, we both respond well to playing a game (rolling dice) Winner is in charge for 10 minutes. Roll again, that winner is in charge for 10 minutes, repeat. Pretty tame for some, but it works for us.
    erofant and Into_the_wild like this.
  8. I'm thinking the problem might be that we're both pretty submissive. She's very submissive by comparison though and I get that she would rather I be more dominant but it's not coming natural for me. I feel like I'm just doing an impression of a dominant rather than it being instinctive.

    I'm probably overthinking it.

    And yes the handcuffs have been used for other fun. She's a big fan of them
  9. curiousgeorge

    curiousgeorge Senior Member

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    I think I'd prefer fucking you mouth, while your hands were free to explore. Would you not find that, hot, as well?
  10. erofant

    erofant Members

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    Handcuffs or ropes ……. it's all a mind-play, or "mind-fuck" as some counselors call it. I won't add physical pleasure per se, but it will/may add erotic "hotness" while you both enact the scenario. Like adding a splash of hot sauce or cayenne to your food - it makes the taste more intense!!

    My wife and I have each tied the other up at some points in time. There's a big mental "blast" from being a captive and forced to endure teasing and pleasuring at the other's pace. You have no say at all. They control the whole scenario and you'll get whatever the other gives you or allows you. If your GF wants to be handcuffed and forced to perform oral sex on you, then that tells you she wants to BE and FEEL submissive to you and she'll get turned on by being in that position. Do it !! And then next time switch roles and try the other way. She could "force" you to orally pleasure her - and then maybe "force" herself on you by riding you or orally tormenting you. Lots of fun to be had.
  11. Angela36

    Angela36 Members

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    Wow. Glad to hear I'm not the only girl into this type of submissive sex. Regarding the question why the restraints? I've found that guys who've I've had bondage sex with are more enthusiastic about sex when I'm restrained. It's fun to see what a guy will do when he knows that he is free to do with me as he pleases.
  12. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Try fully restrained with the use of say an under matress restraining set. Available from the likes of Love Honey . Add a blind fold to highten your sense of being touched .
  13. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Does the OP seek a "restrained, do what you will" vibe or is it a "skills challenge, mouth only" vibe.
  14. I think it's a mix of both. The fantasy for the set up but she does enjoy giving oral.
  15. RandyD

    RandyD Members

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    Yeah, that's a different scenario. Handcuffing a girl gives her the opportunity to be totally submissive to a naturally dominant guy. I don't personally bother with handcuffs, I just use velcro strips to restrain whatever I want restrained. The girl with her hands behind her back has to get you off only using her mouth. I personally love that. I want her to make me ejaculate with just her mouth, I don't like being jacked also. I want those pretty lips, tongue and throat to do all the work. The girls love doing it that way and especially if they get me super aroused, I'll grab her head and fuck her throat when I'm ejaculating. She can't stop me and she sure as hell won't bite.

    My orgasms that way are much more intense. The girls also get off on the intensity of our orgasms. If I set up the scenario right and discuss with her how much I'm going to enjoy using her that way she'll orgasm just sucking me off.
    Menty likes this.
  16. Micheal9

    Micheal9 Members

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    To me part of a bj is the handjob that comes with it.
    I can see how her being restrained could be a turn on, although she would need all fours tied down even better yet maybe her leave her one free hand so she can play with her body too. I want to go down on her and tease and play with that pussy as I please and not be pushed away because she can’t take it anymore.
    Angela36 likes this.
  17. Trevor Lane

    Trevor Lane Newbie

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    Anybody want to see a huge cock?
  18. Bicaptain My Captain

    Bicaptain My Captain Members

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    Blindfold her as well.
    cindy94 and Angela36 like this.
  19. Angela36

    Angela36 Members

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    True. That enhances the other senses, especially taste and feeling. But obviously you know that.
    Jennie Mink and cindy94 like this.
  20. Jennie Mink

    Jennie Mink Members

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    I've often sucked my hubby's cock after he"s tied my wrists and blindfolded me and it definitely adds to the sensuality of the occasion for both of us.
    He sometimes pretends to be somebody else whilst I'm sucking him, usually one of his friends whom he knows I really fancy!

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