Oral Sex- Problem

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by gamer4ever, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. gamer4ever

    gamer4ever Members

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    I am new to this forum, and I just wanted some help regarding Oral Sex.

    In my religion, fluids released during Oral Sex such as pre-ejaculatory fluid and semen are impure, and for that reason the only way Oral Sex would be allowed in my religion is if it's done in a way so that no fluids (pre-ejaculatory fluid/semen) enter the mouth during the act.

    Avoiding semen from entering her mouth isn't the problem, as she can simply stop before I ejaculate. The problem is the pre-ejaculatory fluid; how do I prevent that from entering her mouth during the act? I know condoms could be used, but that would simply suck due to lack of pleasure. Is there anything I can do to make sure no pre-ejaculatory fluid enters her mouth during the act, and derive maximum pleasure at the same time (no condoms)? I was thinking about using something to simply cover the hole (where the fluid expels from) and leave the rest of the glans and penis uncovered. That way the fluid won't get in her mouth (as the hole would be covered) and at the same time I could get maximum pleasure (as the rest of the glans and penis would be uncovered; besides the hole). But, what can I use to do this?

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you.
  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Religious control of the sex act is the most insidious form of brain washing and mind control.

    How sad that your religion inhibits your pleasure, but that is one of the functions of religion.

    Truth of the matter: Urine is STERILE. It cleanses the urinary tract many times a day.

    However, sex fluids can convey diseases. This is why it was prohibited originally, for obvious health reasons.

    Those reasons are still important if you have sex with strangers.

    But if it is sex with a wife or healthy partner, there is nothing to fear.

    No God is going to punish you for having oral sex.

    You're doing the planet a favor by not making more babies!

    However if you do have unprotected sex with strangers then a real disease (not God) will eventually punish you...

    See we have these things called microscopes now that show the real cause of disease.

    Oh, and I have a question. If semen is "impure" then why does your religion allow sex at all? You'll only get "impure" babies.
    3 people like this.
  3. gamer4ever

    gamer4ever Members

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    Every forum I've gone to and asked this question, I always get the same response (about religion restricting sex, etc.). Honestly, I respect everyone's religion and have no problem with it, but in return I expect people to respect my religion.

    I just want to know a way so no pre-ejaculatory fluid gets in her mouth during the act, and I can derive maximum pleasure during the act? Wearing a condom would solve the problem of the fluid entering the mouth, but that would take away most of the pleasure. Isn't there anything I can simply put on the hole (to stop the pre-ejaculatory fluid from entering her mouth), leaving everything else uncovered (to get maximum pleasure)? I know this sounds really stupid, but will taping the hole or something like that work?
  4. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Does your religion respect EVERYONE else as equals, regardless of their religion? Are all people the same to your "GOD" or are "non-believers" treated differently by your "GOD"?

    If your "God" treats non-believers differently simply because they don't believe the same things, then why should non-believers/infidels/atheists respect your religion?

    Sorry to be off your topic, but it's pretty hard to relate to such primitive belief systems these days.
  5. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Yes, this is how the tape should be applied to prevent infection from your impure fluids:

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  6. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Regarding respect for your religion: I recognize that your religion has certain tenants that I might disagree with. And I support you in your decision to follow those tenants.

    At the same time, I can recognize that you are pushing the limits of those tenants to the extreme. You are trying to get as close to sin as your reading of the texts allows. It seems to me that what you are looking for will be a failure on two levels. It will neither bring the sexual pleasure you seek, nor will it keep your god pleased with your devotion. If you are going to approach sin, do it all the way. If you are going to avoid sin, avoid it completely. Trying to skirt the line as close as possible will be unsatisfying on all levels.
  7. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Gamer, may I ask what religion you follow?
  8. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    May I ask why people (of any religion) feel the need to follow every proscription written hundreds if not thousand of years ago, no matter how illogical, archaic, downright stupid or even harmful it might seem today?

    It's only fear instilled by religion that makes ppl act with total disregard of logic, science and truth.

    For instance, prohibiting birth control is a crime against humanity, completely illogical, with great harm to individuals and society.

    Only religious organizations gain something ($$) by having more adherents who are indoctrinated soon after birth.
    2 people like this.
  9. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    bet you didn't see that one coming...
  10. gamer4ever

    gamer4ever Members

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    I follow Islam; I'm a Muslim.


    Actually, Oral Sex is permitted under those conditions in my religion. It's not that it is forbidden and I'm trying to find a way around that. It's permitted under the condition that no fluids (pre-ejaculatory fluid/semen) enter the mouth during the act. And if I may ask, why won't it bring the sexual pleasure I desire? I guess what you're saying is true if I use a condom. Using a condom would avoid the fluids problem, but will not bring me sexual pleasure (as everything will be covered). However, if I just cover the hole (where the fluid expels from) and leave everything else uncovered that would derive sexual pleasure, wouldn't it? I mean everything will be uncovered except the hole (to make sure the pre-ejaculatory fluid doesn't enter the mouth); the glans (except the hole) and the entire shaft will be left uncovered, that way I should receive pleasure. The only problem is, what can I use (tape?) to cover just the hole to make sure no pre-ejaculatory fluid comes out and enters the mouth?
  11. MikeE

    MikeE Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Gamer, I'm not sure that you aren't fooling yourself about pushing the envelope of your faith.
    But, have you considered consulting with your local spiritual leader. (Is "imam" the term?)
    They have more experience with the requirements of your faith and how to keep them than we would.
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  12. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Yeah, think about this man. God is ok with you putting your penis in her mouth so that she can pleasure you sexually, but god is NOT ok with the sexual fluids which are released from your penis being pleasured?
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What is the problem now, no mouth or no genitals?
  14. JimInPhila

    JimInPhila Member

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    Gamer, You might try a "Penis Plug." Google it.
  15. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Keep on livin' in fear of an illusion.

    Hey, if you're martyred are you allowed to come in those Virgins mouths?

    I mean without GOD telling me how to have sex, I really don't have a clue what to do!

    When it comes to sex, this is my GOD!

  16. willybilly30

    willybilly30 Member

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    Do it and ask forgiveness later lol if your religion says you can as long as no fluid enters the mouth surely, it has a solution. Can you pull out before you cum? Or is it ok if she spits it out?
  17. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    have you tried it with a condom?
    You say it will suck, but hookers do it every day and still get paid for blowjobs, so it must not be that bad. ;)
  18. missmadam

    missmadam Members

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    Just wrap it up, for God's sake! No pun intended--i think. What's more important: your God or your pleasure?
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It is kind of dubious why OP asks it here anyway. As it seems to be primarily a religious issue, and not an issue the average hipforummer can be expected to answer without thinking wtf. This is most likely another bait thread to enforce stereotypes and seduce forummers to post convicting answers regarding religion.
    1 person likes this.
  20. gamer4ever

    gamer4ever Members

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    Hi guys,

    Honestly I'm not trolling or anything; I'm actually serious. Even though it's a "religious" issue, it's also a "sex" issue, therefore I posted here.

    Now back to the point: I can't have her simply pull out before ejaculating, because that will only deal with the "semen" aspect. The pre-ejaculatory fluid aspect will still be involved (as this fluid could still and will most likely get in her mouth). I can't have her spit out after, as the idea is to prevent the fluid from entering her mouth in the first place. I guess I can wrap it up with a condom (as it will prevent pre-ejaculatory fluid from entering her mouth), and it may still bring pleasure, but I was just looking for better options that will perhaps bring more pleasure than a condom. A condom will cover the entire penis, but I only need the hole covered (at least I think so) in order to prevent the pre-ejaculatory fluid from entering her mouth. To be more safe, I guess I can have the entire head (glans) covered, leaving the entire shaft uncovered. But I do not know what will cover the hole or glans, thus preventing the pre-ejaculatory fluid from entering her mouth, leaving everything else uncovered.

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