Oral Fetish Disorder?

Discussion in 'Oral Sex' started by NYCguy1980, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. NYCguy1980

    NYCguy1980 Guest

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    So recently a psychologist friend of mine diagnosed me with "OFD" (oral fetish disorder). I didn't accept it at first; however, after giving it some thought, what he had to say made some sense. I mean we are all human, and have some type of fetish right? I'm a regular guy, work, pay bills, go to movies, and so on. Is it normal to have a fetish where you love giving oral sex to a girl? I would say it's absolutely normal; however, my situation is a bit different. If I see any camel-toe, my hormones jump through the roof, and I start to get warm. If a girl teases me in a sneaky way (nobody else but me can notice) I get even more worked up. Once a vagina is in my face, I go into some sort of zone, and can spend as long as she wants licking, sucking, and playing around down there. When I say "In a zone" I literally blank out, and indulge in my fetish. I guess the best way to put it would be like placing an alcoholic in a room full of beer. If a girl teases me, and get's me worked up, all she would have to do is grab me by the arm and take me to her place and I'm all her's. Only a few things will throw off the disorder such as, bad hygiene, I'm hungry/thirsty, or need to use the restroom. The things that will turn me on the most would be, clean, smooth shaved, girl in control and verbal, smart teasing, and a few other things.

    Let me go ahead and explain some of my experiences so that you can have an idea what I'm dealing with. One day while riding the train to work, this tall brunette was standing directly over where I was sitting. The train was packed, she was wearing black tights, and holding a pocketbook in front of her body. I looked up, and asked "would you like to sit?" She said no thank you very much though, and smiled in a very friendly kind of way. I sat back and just relaxed myself waiting for my stop. At one point she moved her purse to look at her MP3 player, AND THAT WAS IT!! When she moved her bag, I saw thick juicy camel-toe, and I immediately turned red. She noticed me blushing, and began to look around, and when nobody was paying attention, she moved the bag sneaky and rubbed her inner thigh. OMG!! If she would have waved me to follow her, I would have been all her's.. I had to sit forward a bit, and cross my arms on my lap I was so excited! She eventually got off the train without waving me, or any other hint to follow her, and that was that. It took me such a while to cool down that I passed my stop by 7 stops. I had this girl in my dreams for 3 day's or so, couldn't get her out my mind lol.

    Another crazy experience I had was in downtown NYC. This beautiful sexy black girl was passing by the park bench where I was sitting, and before she passed, she stopped and used the bottom of her t-shirt to wipe her cell phone. In that moment, I saw thick juicy camel toe, and must have made some kind of face like WOW. She approached me and asked for some directions in Manhattan. She was from Florida, and was just visiting for the weekend. This girl really knew what she was doing, teasing me like crazy, and eventually I asked if she wanted a coffee. She said she loved Starbucks, so we went to a near by Starbucks, and had a nice chat. During the chat she got up twice, and each time, in a sneaky way showed me that camel-toe. Each time, I looked right at it, then up in her eyes with a smile. Eventually she leaned in towards me and asked in a low whispering voice "Do you like to eat pussy?". I immediately got hot all over and replied, "like?-- I love it!" She made a joke and said, really? like 5 minutes? and I was like, As long as you want. She eventually asked if I wanted to come watch a movie at her sisters place where she was staying for the weekend. Her sister was away so we had the whole place to ourselves. She jumped into the shower, and I sat on the couch with the lights turned off watching T.V. She got out of the shower with a blue robe, and sat next to me smelling so good. As we were watching T.V. she rubbed her hand on my back and said "so, whats up?" I looked into her eyes and said, "I'm looking forward to the movie, how long is it? She smiled and said, "It's a very long movie, and maybe we can watch more if you want. She opened her robe, and pulled off my shirt. She then pulled me in towards her breasts, and slowly down to the spot. Once I got down there, I was completely zoned out. I went so many times in that night that I lost count. The next morning she didn't want to pack her things to go back to Florida because she said that I was so awesome. She did eventually have to get going to the airport, and I made my way back home.

    Okay so perhaps some of you reading this will think that these are normal, fun experiences right? That's how I feel but my friend said that because I blank out, and can lose track of time, it becomes a disorder. He also said that it's not healthy to lose control of yourself, and be unable to stop a girl from a public place to drag you right into bed. I went and got tested, and thank GOD that I don't have anything. Anyway, it's not like this has happened so many times.. Another thing is that when I'm in a relationship, I never cheat. A relationship makes it easy for me to avoid such situations because I can just call my girl, and see her later on. Since I'm single, things get crazy sometimes lol. I don't know, what do you people think? Share your thoughts, opinions, or whatever.. If you want you can reach me at riconyc123@yahoo.com
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    if that's a legitimate disorder, it must be a new one.

    of course, i didn't read the whole post due to your WTD (wall of text disorder).
  3. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I'm not finding in it the data base I use for such things.

    Oral fixation, yes, but that's old hat.

    Are you actually under the care of a therapist, or was this an over beers discussion?
    Because I sense leg pulling.
  4. NYCguy1980

    NYCguy1980 Guest

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    First you must understand that there are many disorders out there that are, not understood, not given names yet, not discovered, ext.. In conversation I explained my details, he gave his opinion how he saw it. After looking up the definitions for fetish and fixation I think I know why he chose oral fetish disorder. He kept saying fetish is normal; however, to blank out and get down with a girl I hardly know? Perhaps that's why he feels it could be a disorder. Maybe it's just an extreme fetish? I don't know but I'll have a chat with him on Sunday.
  5. MochaMood

    MochaMood Member

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    Lots of peopls have sex with strangers. Are you outting yourself in dangerous situations?
  6. Hugh Janus

    Hugh Janus Member

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    Meh. Horses for courses. It's ok to like to go the growl. You don't need to put a label on it.
  7. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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    Wow, you must really be having a hard time now that woman have gone so crazy with the yoga pants. I'm kind of the opposite, sure I enjoy a good camel toe or seeing a perfectly outlined pussy in some yoga pants, but more than that love seeing it hug a woman's ass. That to me is priceless. It's funny, my wife is so clueless, she has a few pair of yoga pants, it drives me nuts whenever she wears them which ironically is usually around the house. Man it puts me in a trance when she's showing a toe or her perfect ass off, yet she just doesn't get it and is clueless. To her it's just comfortable pants, to me it's heaven and torture at the same time, especially when our kids are around which is most of the time and I can't do a damn thing about it

    Anyway, sure it sounds like this can have a negative affect on you (like missing your stop by more than a few stops), but at the same time, so long as you're not getting hit by a train by being in one of your trances or doing something irrational and getting arrested I wouldn't beat yourself up about it too much. Sure it sounds a little on the excessive side, but not really dangerous or anything.
  8. KingWilly

    KingWilly Member

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  9. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    There are so many pervs on this site.
  10. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Yes. And?
  11. NYCguy1980

    NYCguy1980 Guest

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    KingWilly, Thanks for understanding, and your comments. I think your right, things should be fine.

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