oprah in na orleans,,

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by hippiehillbilly, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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  2. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    im surprised she didnt give them all a makeover..
  3. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    I thought the Grand Ol Oprah was in Nashville TN?
  4. kjhippielove88

    kjhippielove88 color + rhyme

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  5. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    Death was right. My jokes are a bit too corny sometimes... OK almost ALL the time.
  6. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    hey man this is a special addition of prah,,, lets all pay attention now,, we may learn sumthin,, or not..

    but its oprah damnitt dont ya know in this context her ratings directly corralate to how much her rich ass comes off with to charities?/

    i mean come on on top of that shes good at milking her fans think of the revenue for the redcross... i see bonuses!!!
  7. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    i hate that fucking bitch. i saw a clip of her there.... not much but enough to make me sick. like that "oprah in africa" special i saw a long time ago... she would say to little kids and mothers with aids and in poverty- "i feel your pain"... meanwhile, her 30 karot diamond earrings glimmer in the sun. fucking bitch.
  8. honeyhannah

    honeyhannah herbuhslovuh

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    Not to mention she gets paid everytime she puts something or someone on her show, Oprah in reality is just a really long commercial. She even promoted McDonald's as being healthy, that is where I lose all respect. Here's something that someone wrote on another forum I frequent.

    People only get on Oprah when they have something to sell. They pay Oprah money, and she tells people to buy it. That's Oprah's job, that's what she does. If you pony up the 'dough,' she'll say what you want. Whether it's McDonalds' "HEALTHY CHOICE MENU" or political propoganda, down to the simple ads for new release films. She sells it all, and she has millions of people wrapped around her fat little fingers... little piggy that she is.

    Are you joking?

    You need to pay attention to facts around you.

    Oprah has more money than Donald Trump. She is a capitalist, she's a politician. I don't care if you associate with her false persona which she uses to soak money out of people, you have to understand, that like SAUL WILLIAMS said in an interview earlier this year,
    "You can't make that much money without exploiting people!"

    But you seem very sure of how wonderful Oprah Winfrey is. Sure she does a lot of charity stuff, just enough to write off her taxes, like many other ELITE power-mongers also do.

    You may remember the way Michael Jordan regarded Oprah when he retired, and she asked him about being rich, like she had no idea, (long before she attained the mega-wealth she has today) and she said,
    "Most people can't even imagine, you have more money than most people will ever see,"
    and he got a bit cold and said,
    "Except you."

    She plays the everyman, but she is anything but.

    How many women living across the united states of america watch and trust Oprah, hanging on her every word? Did you see when she promoted McDonald's "HEALTHY CHOICE" menu? That stuff is just as unhealthy as all the stuff they sell, SHE HAD A LINK TO MCDONALDS ON HER WEBSITE!!! Sure she made mad money off that, but that's what she's about.
    We all know that McDonalds food, as a choice, is unhealthy not only physically, but spiritually, not to mention economically. Pay $3 for a burger, or $2 for a whole loaf of bread.

    If you don't believe me, watch how Mz. Winfrey and her quick-witted associates milk this current New Orleans tragedy for as much ratings as she can. She could have single-handedly afforded to bus the majority of those people out of there, but that's not her business, her business is MAKING MONEY.

    You need to stop defending these power-mongers; you don't defend George W. Bush, or Donald Trump, or Rupert Murdoch, or anyone else, why defend Oprah?

    no. she's a human being who is a member of the power elite, and each and every day she sits on her bourgeoisie television show, talking about her redecoration of her house, the colour of her new throw-pillows, her new garden, her mansions, her assistants; while she promotes the idea of plastic surgery and make-up to continue the saturation of patriarchal doctrine; demeaning women into seeing themselves only through their physical appearance. How disgusting it is to take a look at her audience, sitting there, slowly shaking their heads, tears in their eyes, a glint of a smile on their faces... as they watch a 45 year-old mother's self-esteem be rebuilt by PLASTIC SURGERY, or a BEDROOM MAKEOVER. The materialism promoted by that show is abhorrent. A woman's self-worth should not be related to how much make-up she can afford, or the assumed age of her skin; Mz. Winfrey is constantly talking about woman-power, while secretly subjegating each and ever woman who subscribes to the bullshit she displays through her show which is nothing more than a giant infomercial for capitalism, materialism, sexism and yes RACISM.

    RACISM: Oprah was interviewing the darkest skinned cast member of desperate housewives, Eva something, and this woman said,
    "I have a white gardener... one for US!"
    and Oprah started agreeing with her and laughing,
    "ONE FOR US!"
    How insane that a broadcaster of mass-media would be so insanely irresponsible with her words to help keeping racial divides... but then again, that's what she wants. As a member of the power elite one of her goals is to sub-divide the masses through the promotion of religion and racism and sexism.

    Think for a second, if there was a revolution in the united states of america, such as the russian revolution, where all the rich people were killed, what do think would happen to Oprah?

    I hope you actually read what I've written; I know you've been brainwashed by the fat foul beast that is Oprah, but let's face it, so have a lot of people, it's not something to be ashamed of, just remedy the situation, deny Oprah... and do it today.

    Viva La Resistance!

    and she spends 2 hours before each show getting 'made-up' to have an appearance more likeable to the general public, making her skin lighter, hiding signs of ageing. Instead of embracing her skin, her humanity, she hides behind chemicals. Instead of using her position in society and the media to slam cosmetic companies for preying on the insecurities of women, she interviews make-up 'artists.'

    Is one thing I've said wrong?

    The poster is named Bardot, and this is about 4 different posts. It's pretty funny though.
  9. ihmurria

    ihmurria fini

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    oprah pisses me off. the rare time that she actually interviews someone with genuine problems (ie the girl who's bf shot her mother to death and basically shot off her face, had dozens of surgeries to go through to not get stared at or scare small children, let alone be pretty again), she doesn't say word one about helping the person out, either by donating money or setting them up with therapists. at least dr phil (also a big money machine) pretends to help people, offers counselling and shit like that.
  10. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    exactly...anyone with her type of money SHOULD do charity work and donate things. it would be.... i dont even know the word.....?- if you dont.

    she always has to get her face in everything though and act like she cares so much about this and that when really she is just promoting herself.... she even has a damn book club. arrr
  11. honeyhannah

    honeyhannah herbuhslovuh

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    You know she used to offer counseling and things like that, money as well, but that was before she had so much money (ironic huh?), now that she has so much more money she can't be bothered to care about anyone else, only to pretend, and she even fails at that quite often.
  12. MollyThe Hippy

    MollyThe Hippy get high school

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    blah blah blah... ain't you special to shoot your shit at oprah
  13. lucyinthesky

    lucyinthesky Tie Dyed Soul

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    oprah actually gives millions of dollars in aid to africa, she's built schools there, and aided in the fight against aids, war and poverty. Oprah has donates more money to charity than most people make in their lifetime.....and i don't care who you are, if you travel to africa the way she did, and visit with children and families who are living the way they do, you're going to feel their pain. Maybe not even a fraction of it, but it's going to change your life drastically. As much as we'd like her to, she's just one person, she can't give her entire self and money to one continent, so they can spend money on more irrational wars and enslaving child soldiers to blow off each others faces. If we are going to blast anyone for not giving to charity, i certainly think there are much greedier people in the world besides oprah winfrey.

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