Opinions Appreciated

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by lakeoffire, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. lakeoffire

    lakeoffire Live.Laugh.Fuck.

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    I dont know if I should post this here but I assume it will be moved if it shouldnt. But I came here because I need some opinions.

    I met this kid like a year ago and I never thought much of him in that way but the other night we hung out and I am basically in love with him. Well not love but you know the feeling, right? He is 6 years older than me. I dont think that matters to me but I am not sure. Anyway, we were drinking and we talked about just about everything. He is into art, he plays bass, and he is a total sweetheart. He kept telling me how bad he wants a girlfriend and I agreed that I wanted a boyfriend really bad (you think he took the hint?). Anyway he kept giving me cigarettes and we kept going outside and he taught me about constalations and such and it was amazing. So he told me that I remind him of his ex the way he makes me laugh, I asked if that was a good thing and he said "yes and I find it enticing" he also said that I dont change for anyone and he likes that about me. My friend came out and was like "did you see Megs hair isnt it really pretty?" and he agreed and said he wanted to say something but thought it would be weird, and he liked my earings too. We all played the most fucked up game of trouble ever and it was perfectly wonderful.
    Then a few days ago we hung out again. There was a big blowout between a couple friends and I yelled at one and basically said what everyone was feeling but no one would say and this person told me that what I did was really respectable because I stood up and no one else would. We talked about our ambitions, ideas and interests turns out we have some stufff in common. He asked me to go to the store with him and we went to leave except there was a flat so we had to go back. He shared cigarettes I shared my drink. So I drank about a quarter of the handle and he only had one drink. Meaning I was shitfaced and he was not. I couldnt even talk right or walk a straight line. We both had golden grahms together... that was fun. He told me that he feels like I really listen and am interested in what he has to say. I looked at him and told him its because I really am. I really dont know if he likes me but as you can tell I like him. I wish I had the nerve to tell him but I am scared to ruin the good friendship we are building.

    So I have three questions:
    1) Do you think he likes me?
    2) What do you think I should do?
    3) Does age matter?
  2. ZePpeLinA

    ZePpeLinA Jump around!

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    it sounds like he might like you....perhaps he's a bit shy expressing his feelings?

    if i were you, i'd get to know him a little better and become the best of friends....once you actually know each other well, feelings will develop further and then you'll be able to see if the feeling is mutual or not..

    thats my perpective of things at the moment. perhaps is not the most daring way of doing things, but i feel its best to get to know someone really good before you can have a relationship.

    sorry forgot to add:

    age matter to a certain extent. age is subjective, some people mature faster than others, some people never mature at all.
    its all down to the individual i guess
  3. lakeoffire

    lakeoffire Live.Laugh.Fuck.

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    Then if we become good friends and went out we woud ruin the friendship if we broke up.
  4. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    This is a guy. You can't "ruin a friendship" by asking him out.

    Only chicks get weird when you ask them out.

    If he's not interested, he'll just say so. But frankly, sounds like he is.
  5. Lainey

    Lainey Member

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    i dont understand guys anymore than i do girls.. but it doesnt sound like he likes you.
    age definatly doesnt mean anything. you have every right to love him! you should ask for his number or something, give him more hints and maybe he will send some more back
  6. shadowd_dreamr

    shadowd_dreamr Senior Member

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    I would wait!
    play things out. let stuff come naturally.
    dont just come out and say you like him after only hanging out twice.

    Ask him if he wants to goto a movie or dinner .. and see what he says.
    good luck. you guys sound so cute.
  7. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    RE: i dont understand guys anymore than i do girls

    What's to "understand"?

    We're not these complex emotional twisters with schemes and plans and rolodexes of people I like, people I don't like, people my best friend doesn't like so I can't like them either, every conflict between every person in my immediate vicinity and therefore which side I'm on, etc.
  8. lakeoffire

    lakeoffire Live.Laugh.Fuck.

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    We have hung out a lot more than twice I just didnt realize I liked him till the past few times because thats when we started talking more
  9. outlaw immortal

    outlaw immortal Member

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    he does like you. guys always say things like "you're such a good listener" to play it safe. its a compliment but it doesn't come across as "i'm completely obsessed with you". lol

    age doesn't matter. you're 18, he's 22 - you're both adults. if it was 14 and 18 then it'd be a little wierd.

    if i were you i'd hang out a few more times with him. talk to him a lot like you did last time. try to be with him alone and then you can talk freely. ask for his number, like irongoth said guys don't freak out if a girl asks them out. they take it as a compliment.

    good luck:)
  10. Kynd_Mike

    Kynd_Mike Member

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    I agree with outlaw, spend some time alone with him. When you aren't in the presence of other people (especially your friends) you're more willing to let your feelings come out. That applies for both you and him.
  11. driftwood_74

    driftwood_74 Level 88

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    This is the catch. You'll have to decide what is more important. If you really like the guy then it is worth the chance. If you don't think a relationship would last, then you are better off just remaining friends.
    Either way, it sounds like the guy likes you, but is just too shy to move. Like some of other posters said, you are much better off taking it slow if you would like to have a more meaningful relationship in the long run.
  12. lakeoffire

    lakeoffire Live.Laugh.Fuck.

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    I think a relationship is more important to me and I am too shy to ask

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