Opiateaffair Greetings

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by opiateaffair4life, May 9, 2014.

  1. opiateaffair4life

    opiateaffair4life Guest

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    Hi People
    Just thought I'd introduce, I am a chronic pain person, so I need opiates, they keep me wanting to live. Pain is a FreakN curse. You won't find me complaining, I wear a Fentanyl patch 50mcg no I don't feel it, just keeps my pain away. Then the Oxycodon fast relief gives me quite a bit of energy until I pop a few xans then I'll happy find the land of OZ. I must have the exact concoction or ill stay in OZ. Oh wait they have poppy feilds. All jokes aside, I have to wear the patch but I like, love that warm opium feeling. No I wasn't beat, assaulted as a kid, I do suffer with depression, which sucks so bad. I take something, it don't work well, but I refuse to be on 5 different antidepressant. Anyway we all have good days and bad days. Mine are bad days and really bad days, then somewhere, sometimes I have a good day.
    So there it is.
    Respond if you can relate, I know I'm not alone here.
  2. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Post this stuff in the opiates forum. ;)
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    He doesnt complain, but yeah, great introduction :(

    Welcome, and take it easy...

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