Open/straight front hair?

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by KohtaIlta, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. KohtaIlta

    KohtaIlta Guest

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    Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum, and I'm starting new topic straight away, because I want to ask you something. And apologies for my bad english, hopefully you get the point.

    I have natural grown dreads, with few really thin and some real fatties, healthy and not too messy, almost none free hairs, except in front hairs. My front hairs are more soft, and healthy looking, with few thin locks.

    I've been searching info, but can't really find it, but how I should do, if I want straight front hairs? Should I just cut my front dreads off, and let them grow again, and how would that happen? I think that i can't open my whole dread, but if i cut it to like 5cm long, i could maybe open it.. But if it looks stupid, do i have to cut all my front hair and let them grow then? If so, I have to lock up to my house, and when moving always wear a hat, until they are enough long xD
  2. Bubbletonic

    Bubbletonic Member

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    You want to take out the dreads in front of your face and leave normal straight hair there? Dreadlocks with a fringe?

    You can un-dread the front locks - it's likely a better idea than cutting them - I'm not sure how good that would look.....
    Choose which dreadlocks you want to un-dread, soak them in hot water and then rub lots of condition into them. Then, with a needle, you can start to unpick the dreadlocks. It's like brushing them out... but instead of a hair brush you use the needle. Take a while, but it's much faster than waiting for the hair to grow back out again.

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