Open sex discussion amongst close friends

Discussion in 'Sex Polls' started by Panama Jack, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Who here can have an open and casual discussion regarding all things sex with close friends? All our friends are prudes, We find most people don’t engage in adult sex talk in a open setting.
    Why is sex talk taboo and it’s ok to talk about gossip and weather. Sex is healthy in all it’s forms. Non judgemental,open exchange between friends would be much better than the weather.
    What say you all?
  2. Deejay88

    Deejay88 Visitor

    I can well just two female friends but if u need some to chat with I’m here and my wife is here to
  3. Steveh

    Steveh Members

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    Interesting chat with my neighbor guy about him and his wife. First of all, he's about 350 lbs and his wife is petite Asian. He was telling me how they had sex
  4. Deejay88

    Deejay88 Visitor

    As how is that
  5. Subcub

    Subcub Members

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    I’ve got two friends that I can be absolutely open about anything sexual with. One does similar things to me and the other is very open minded. I think she gets off on hearing about my adventures.
    Deejay88 likes this.
  6. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    That’s what I’m talking about. A free and open exchange of sexual communication between friends. I do chat with 2 ladies about our daily sex life. It’s just chat and done in a ways that no one is trying to hook up. We just talk about our individual sex life. What we are doing on a weekly basis. It’s fun and helps each other.
  7. olderndirt

    olderndirt Senior Member

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    We men never discuss it around our lady friends and seldom mention it among ourselves. My wife has had a few open conversations with her lady friends and received some good advice from one of them. I don't know why we don't share more with those who know us. Maybe that's the reason...they know us.
  8. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    For us we found out the girls were more open to talk about sex, like on girls night out. Often this led to encounters, that may have never happened, if they never knew we were open for other things.
    Panama Jack likes this.
  9. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Since I am the OP, It is good you found friends that are open to talking sex. I agree with you. Men don’t usually talk about sex.It Would be nice if we could find another couple to just do sex chat with over cocktails or coffee.
  10. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    We are an older couple, and I have read a few of your posts. We played around back in the 70s, and yes that was a long time ago. We got out and mingled with lots of people. But just her talking with other women, and letting people know we were open to other things, lead to some of or encounters.
  11. SluttyJess

    SluttyJess Members

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    I don't think it's awkward to talk about sex with very close friends
    Jayandcay, Jerkaddict and Panama Jack like this.
  12. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I hear you Jess, Unfortunately, All our friends are prudes. They usually only mention sex as a passing jest. No serious conversation.
  13. Kels1986

    Kels1986 Members

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    it depends on the friends, some i can, some i cant.
    Deejay88, Jayandcay and Jerkaddict like this.
  14. flasexwriter

    flasexwriter Members

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    We are very open discussing sex with our friends. Shocks them sometimes.
  15. erofant

    erofant Members

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    I wish people would talk more openly too. I always believed girls & women (good friends / girlfriends ) would talk to each other about sexual things. The kind of questions like, "Well ………. what's he like...…… in bed?"
    Or discussing things they try with their guys - or that guys did to them. Ladies - is that true or not???

    My wife told me she never had any such conversations with her girlfriends. Ever.

    I used to get in sexual conversations with girls who were my friends - not girlfriends...……… not ones I dated. They were easy-going, informative exchanges of info. I liked that.
  16. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    I have a friend that I exchange stories and fantasies with. We sit nude together a lot, text pics of ourselves. Neither of our wives would ever think of talking to anyone about sex. My wife will play with the idea around he and I. Just as a quick tease but then leave.
  17. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    As senior man married many years, and monogamous. I think ego’s get in the way of open discussion regarding daily sex.

    I also believe there is a certain level of privacy with their spouse or girlfriend to not talk about intimacy details of their sex life together. Why is that?? Why is it “taboo”?? Imagine, if you would, sitting around having coffee or a beer/wine and being able to have an open honest exchange of what you did last night or plan to do sexually. It would require being open minded and non judgmental. Truly, Listen to each other. Imagine what you could learn or even offer your opinion. Not gossip, but a healthy discussion about each other’s sex life. I think older couples, as we are, can still learn from the younger crowd and we can share our opinions of sexual longevity.
    My wife and I are very open about discussing our sex life, but all our friends close the door on that discussion. Sad really.
    The best we have been able to do is having online sex chats.”Not sexting”, but chats with a few people. Sure beats talking about the weather.
  18. PGA

    PGA Senior Member

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    I and my wife have an open mind to discuss many things but sex discussion. She believes sex is a private matter even between wife and husband, so whenever I start talking about sex even about our sex matters she refuses. I have liked to open sex talking and tell her what I like and what I don't like during our 45 years of marriage living, but I have not been successful to communicate with her. I believe all the couple has to talk to each other to solve many sexual complexes which they have. Without open talking, many sexual behavers of the couple remain as secret. for example, I have masturbated since I have been 10, and always I like to tell her and to share it, but she has refused to talk to her, and it has remained a secret, and It bothers me a lot.
  19. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    My wife is the same way PGA. She has been very willing through our 44 years of marriage with engaging in most types of sex play. But communicating about it is never on the table. I've never been able to understand it. It gives me a sense of guilt sometimes wondering if I forced her to do something. Wonder if she enjoyed it or not. Her only answer to the question is... I did it, right? That answer sucks!
  20. JDsPrincess

    JDsPrincess Members

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    As a woman who's close friend circle is almost exclusively made up of men (only my best friend is female) i have no choice but to discuss sex pretty much constantly lol, we have all been friends since we were 11/12 so ive never really known any different. The women i do spend time with from time to time are perfectly happy to talk about men and relationships but very rarely talk openly about sex whether it be in their own relationships or otherwise. I have no issue with discussing sex with my guy and as we live apart at the moment due to work commitments, we have regular phone sex which is VERY detailed. Maybe it helps that we have lots of history before we got together both as close friends and casual lovers. I personally think that a big majority of people in general....both men and women, are afraid to ask for what they want in the bedroom due to embarrassment or fear that their partner will think they're in some way weird for their preferences.
    erofant and Jerkaddict like this.

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