Opana ER 20mg ( oxymorphone ) questions?

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by henktank, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. henktank

    henktank Member

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    It's a green hexagon pill, with e617 20 on one side. It's opana ER 20 mg.
    How much do these pills usually go for on the street?
    I have a tolerance for opiates, i can prob take like 8-10 narcos a day and have taken max 60 mg oxycodone throughout a day.
    I know these are really strong but how strong are they to you all?
    I don't snort or inject, how would i go about taking this to feel something without dying? I've never cracked a pill that specifically say don't crack or chew. Any input would be appreciated, thank you all in advance.
  2. MiNdTrIp

    MiNdTrIp Member

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    opana is strong. usually only prescribed for people with high opioid tolerance or severe pain. I heard they would go for 10-20 bucks on the streets. depends on the dealer.

    breaking the pill (only with extended release) just causes it to hit you at once instead of time released.
  3. henktank

    henktank Member

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    breaking the pill says i can die, i don't want to die, but i do love opiates. I know you can take off the extended release coating, but i don't know how. I also read it's fairly new and it's 5 times stronger then oxycontin. I've never done that before but I know its just alot of oxycodone.
  4. elover

    elover ritz with cheese

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    Just be careful...research! and of course erowid!
  5. Toubabo Koomi

    Toubabo Koomi Member

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    You wont die from it if you aren't a virgin to opiates. I would crush up half the pill and mix it in a shot off something it'll disolve with.I have not taken it but heard from a heavy user that 10 IVed gave him the nods. Its a pretty rare pill though ive heard of hydromorphone selling for 1-3$ per mg but since its more potent id go with 1-1.50.
  6. MiNdTrIp

    MiNdTrIp Member

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    they say you'll die just to scare you off from doing it. but with opana I'd be careful. opana is not something to fuck around with if your new to the scene....
  7. henktank

    henktank Member

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    So i cracked 1 pill last night into 4 quarters, took a quarter, half hour took a quarter, and then an hour later took the others and felt nothing, I don't get it, am i missing something? Why wouldn't it work?
  8. Daedalus

    Daedalus Member

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    you lucky son of a bitch.

    And theres really no reason it shouldn't have worked. oxymorphone is fucking powerful. The most potent opioids I've had prescribed for take home were mscontin and hydromorphone.
  9. MiNdTrIp

    MiNdTrIp Member

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    for recrational use I would sugest take 2 or 3. do some research on erowid to find out the right does. and cracking won't do much, you need to crush and take it all at once. but I would take 2-3 orally without crushing and see if that does it.
  10. 92B

    92B Member

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    Because it was only 20mg and you broke it into four pieces. If you take 8-10 narcos, and 60mg of oc, than 20 mg of op isn't going to be anything exciting, especially if you take it in quarters spread apart.
  11. coffster98

    coffster98 Member

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    I agree. you must CRUSH or CHEW the pill completely. Anymore it seems that pills have a special binder in them rather than just relying on a coating(which seems much more apt to release unpredictably or in the dreaded "rollercoaster" pattern.
  12. JahRed24

    JahRed24 Member

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    damn i would love to try some oxymorphone, its what oxycodone is converted to in ur liver!!! and yea u gotta crush them pills and snort or parachute to get "HIGH"

    History lesson for u fools, back in the 1970's there was Oxymorphone pills out their addicts were injecting and of course 'dropping like flies' because it was sooo friggin powerful and they were used to shitty shit opies//./ so then they made it illegal and are now just are introducing it back into pain mangement.
  13. infinateammo

    infinateammo Member

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    Oxymorphone has a 10% bioavalability through oral administration and a 90% bioavalibility when snorted. This means its 9 times stronger when snorted than it is eaten. Opana ER also has a brand new time release mechanism which makes the pill keep its time release even after it's crushed up. You definatly have to snort opana to get its full effects and when you snort, i wouldnt recomend doing more than 10mg because it is very very very very strong!
  14. Oxy

    Oxy Member

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    infinateammo, your right think it close to 10% bioavalability through oral administration and a 80-90% bioavalibility when snorted everyone needs to not that this is a huge difference. In short blowing Oxymorphone makes it many times more powerful than oral, and the drug itself is many times more powerful than Oxycodone be careful. Crush and eat one 20mg with a tolerance and you wont feel shit. Snort two and you will go to heaven trust me, this was back when i was addicted(160+ OCs a sitting) so blowin only 40mg making me nod like a mofo and almost yack is POWERFUL and beyond unexpected. One of the best opiates if snorted, but someone w/o a tolerance or a small tolerance needs to be very careful with these. I never noded / hallucinated so hard in my life! great shit if you can find it, I would say with a good bit of tollerance that 40mg snorted is equal to 150+ Oxycodone, at least! Once again please BE CAREFUL with this stuff if you can find it.
  15. kil0

    kil0 The Rebel

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    read my thread. lots of info on opana.


  16. IknowMyshit

    IknowMyshit Guest

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    I saw the comment you made on the opana you don't need brake them Into pieces you need to go buy a radiator hose clamp and bend it so that it is straight and put it so that the sharper side is up and scrape the pill acrossed it until it is a fine powder and toot it up your nose or put the powder into a piece of tissue paper and swallow that but make sure that you do the whole thing and if you have anything less then ten mili do a few.
  17. G0dm4ch1n3

    G0dm4ch1n3 Senior Member

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  18. G0dm4ch1n3

    G0dm4ch1n3 Senior Member

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    It's a love/hate relationship with Opana. That shit gives me a migraine stops me up for days but it's sooo good. Fuckers
  19. etkearne

    etkearne Resident Pharmacologist

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    20mg oxymorphone is right about equivalent to 60mg Oxycodone, which you say you can take, so, there you go. Have fun.
  20. G0dm4ch1n3

    G0dm4ch1n3 Senior Member

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    ^^^ I agree.

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