Pulled an old acrylic tank out of the garage the other day. It's 25"w x 16"d x 30"h with a black back. Problem is I can't decide what I want to do with it. Salt water or fresh water? Peaceful or aggressive? Community or single specimen? :juggle: I have all the stuff for any type except for a live coral reef, way too expensive for me. I'm kinda leaning towards either a South American fresh water set-up with lots of plants and schools of different tetras.... or a saltwater set-up with a pair of clown fish, anemones and a few other small fish and hardy invertebrates.... But then again one or two nice lionfish or maybe a clown trigger would be cool, kinda like a puppy.... I've also always wanted to do an all moray eel tank.... or a mating pair of Discus.... a seahorse set-up would be a fun challenge...... it's too small for cichlids, except for dwarf ones which would go in the planted tank anyway.... could also go bizarre and badass and get a mantis shrimp and hope it doesn't break my hand.... or I could just dump a bunch of mollies, swordtails and platy's in there and let the fishy orgy commence.... piranhas? now I remember why I always ended up with 7-8 tanks set-up and running. Anyone have any interesting aquatic critters to suggest?
one time i tried putting a tank inside a tank, one dry and one for fish. but i wanted it to look natural so i had rocks flow up to the top of the inside tank where i was planning on putting the fish. realized afterwards that filtering that water or changing it would be tough so i decided not to get fish but left the tank in there because it looked cool and gave the gecko extra things to do and places to go. turns out they liked to go in the water of that inside tank but had trouble getting out. i lost about 4-5 geckos jumping into that smaller inside tank and then being unable to get out of it. yeah so my advice, do something real creative, even though it was a failure i dont regret it. if it worked it would have been great. just dont put gecko in a tank with a lot of water accessible.
Aquariums are beautiful to sit and look at. There is something almost hypnotic about watching the fish. There is a restaurant that use to have a huge aquarium that was a wall divider and it had the most amazing angelfish. They were so graceful.
I totally agree and my cats loved to watch them too but after a few years of maintaining/cleaning the tanks I totally gave up on having fish. It was just too much work for me.
Too expensive, and they are pretty ugly. I have had handled them before when I worked at a tropical fish store. I'm beginning to lean towards a salt water set-up. Maybe eels and lionfish... these are the current candidates;
and probably get these as well; They are all about the same as far as aggression is concerned and they all eat the same types of foods, so I know it would be a good mix. One of my main considerations is personality. All these guys have a lot of personality and will interact with people a lot, like puppy dogs.
put some dirt and bonasai in it instead of water, that way you don't ever have to worry that i might leak. catch a local lizard and feed him flies. just my iconoclasm toward consumerism two cents worth. of course if it doesn't leak, instead of fish, just grow a coral garden in it. just be careful to not ever use anything to clean it with that will kill the coral.
I'm a fan of the Siamese fighters, they're so cute. And I also like the rainbow and red tail sharks. Problem is it's hard to keep a couple together because they're always so angry at each other. My tank now has one red tail shark, 4 green neon tetras, one bloodfin Tera, 4 black widow tetras, 3 guppies and two catfish suckers. Tank goes well 3ft. Probably could keep some more fish buuut I don't like overcrowding either.
i would get a lizard (or a few). those things are super entertaining to me; i almost got one last year but then some other stuff came up and it got put on the back burner. from what i've read, most of them are pretty high maintenance though. so there's that to consider.