On Two Basic Types Of Meditation

Discussion in 'Yoga and Meditation' started by WhiteDandelion, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    There are many meditation techniques, but despite their diversity, all can be grouped in two group: Ego type of meditation and non-Ego type of meditation.

    The Ego type of meditation involves investing the power of will, thought control, breath and posture control... during meditation, which is accompanied or guided by the maximum activity of the Ego of meditator. All mentioned raise vibration of meditator consciousness up to 35 Herz, even and higher, that supress possibility to make connection with spiritual consciousness that in vibratory sense, reside at Spiritual plan.

    The non-Ego type of meditation is a receptive type of meditation, which is based on renewing the connection with one's own Soul and sending to it requests for healing and development. Then the Soul responds with a healing-developmental effect on meditator's energy system (chakras, energy flows, aura and like). The visual type of person would see this action of it Soul in the form of energies of different colors in the area of the aura (whose semi radius is 12 meters), kinesthetic-tactile type would feel "ants" in some parts of body or energy vortex in the area of the Crown chakra, audio type would hear the sound of energy vibrations ... and similarly.

    To start a practice of some type of non-Ego meditation, it is necessary to go through a preparatory process that includes healing from physical and pscychoemotional illnes, healing energy system, strengthening the energy part of the nervous system, geting information on training in self-healing hands and chakras ... and many other things, that is achieved by sending healing-developnental requests to highly spiritual consciousness by instructor of non-Ego meditation.

    In the West, "Do Nothing" meditation represent a basic - but very basic, type of non-Ego meditation.

    On Ego type of meditation and non-Ego type of meditation:
    Hope it will be useful...
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    I was just told to sit down, shut up, and pay attention.

    This was the instruction manual provided:
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  3. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    It is an Ego type of meditation, probably mindfulness.

    Many spiritual seekers after years and decades of practicing meditation feel disappointed, because despite the fact that they have invested a high degree of effort (concentration, visualization, control of thoughts, breathing, body position ...) in meditation, they do not feel that they have progressed in development of consciousness. The reason is that every voluntary effort includes the action of the Ego, which together raises the level of vibrations of consciousness.

    But the penetration into the field of spirituality begins with a spontaneous decrease in the vibrations of consciousness, which begins with the Alpha state of consciousness: 14-7 Hz, then lower and lower, as person progress in meditation.

    Of course, this is a receptive type of meditation, which means that unlike Ego type of meditation, meditator now "listen" and allow that action of own Soul to manifest spontaneously on him/her, without his active participation and involvement in the process of meditation.
  4. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Zazen has been documented to produce Theta waves, too.
    Quantitative EEG Study on Zen Meditation
    Zazen has been documented to produce "enhanced automatic memory and emotion processing, reduced conceptual thinking and self-reference on a less judgmental, i.e., more detached moment-to-moment basis"; i.e., less egoic thinking.
    Zazen meditation and no-task resting EEG compared with LORETA intracortical source localization

    There are many paths up the mountain,
    But at the top,
    We all gaze at the same bright moon.
  5. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    Many times Spiritual seekers have asked themselves what spiritual development is, whether it is a certain body position, breathing method, visualization of certain chakras ..., never getting a clear and simple answer. On this occasion, we will give a brief overview of the process of consciousness development, which is in line with our experience during dealing with spirituality.

    The essence of the development of consciousness is in lowering the vibrations of consciousness and erasing the Ego + prior healing from disorders and diseases of physical, emotional and mental origin, which can only be done by your Soul, in the advanced stages of development and other spiritual consciousness. In order to be able to renew the connection with your own Soul, you need to have reached a high level of development of consciousness which is manifested in positivity, goodwill, empathy, reasonableness and logical-analytical thinking, lack of interest in material and financial values (except necessary) and power in society and the like.

    All of the above helps you to feel the vibrations of your Soul, and to renew contact with it through some form of non-Ego meditation. Then your Soul - your spiritual mother, will begin the healing-developmental action over you.

    It should be noted that this process differs somewhat in men and women, because in men the erasure of the "patches" of the Ego from the 12 layers of the aura runs in parallel, while in women the development of consciousness is emphasized through the development of Love energies, while erasing the "patches" od Ego start after reaching high level of development of consciousness, in the previously described way.
  6. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Doesn't all this focus on an alleged "soul" imply an inherent egocentrism, rather than "non-ego"?

    Someone once asked Sunryu Suzuki roshi how much ego you need.
    "Just enough to not step in front of a bus."
  7. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    Mentioning the Soul is not egocentrism, but the opposite.

    All the actions and impulses that a person does are guided or accompanied by the action of the Ego, and where the Ego is, there is no spirituality. For that reason, all Ego techniques of consciousness development, despite decades of practice, do not lead to the development of consciousness, in many cases they strengthen the Ego, cause suicidal thoughts, nervous breakdown and the like.

    For that reason, the non-Ego techniques of consciousness development are based on renewed connection with one's own Soul and receptivity, during which the action of the Ego of the meditator is reduced to a minimum - when the meditator does not actively participate in meditation, when he "does nothing", then his Ego is inactive. Since he is in the Alpha state of consciousness (14-7 Hz), the preconditions for spontaneous healing-developmental action by his Soul have been achieved, which, among other things, implies the gradual erasure of the "patches" of the Ego from 12 layers of aura, whose semi radius is 12 meters.

    Restoring the connection with the Soul requires a preparatory period and sending healing requests for their healing t by the instructor of non-Ego meditation, but persons who have reached a high level of development of consciousness - and who are at the same time sensitive to energies, can personaly feel the healing-developmental effect of their Soul, to which we have given a brief Instruction in the following video:
  8. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Don't you think it just a wee bit hubristic to declare all other faith traditions bankrupt and devoid of spirituality and incapable of "reaching a high level of development of consciousness", when there are so many examples of enlightened beings from so many faith traditions?

    "...the non-Ego techniques of consciousness development are based on renewed connection with one's own Soul and receptivity, during which the action of the Ego of the meditator is reduced to a minimum - when the meditator does not actively participate in meditation, when he "does nothing", then his Ego is inactive. Since he is in the Alpha state of consciousness (14-7 Hz), the preconditions for spontaneous healing-developmental action by his Soul have been achieved..."

    I see no essential difference from what you describe than Vipassana, or the 'bare awareness' of Chan, or the shikantaza of Zen...except that even the dullest and most ADHD novice can quickly be taught to attain an Alpha state in a matter of weeks, while more experienced practitioners routinely achieve Theta states (see links to peer reviewed scientific papers above).

    No pointless debates over the existence of a hypothetical soul, or "12 layers of aura, whose semi radius is 12 meters" required.

    All this cut-n-paste has the feel of conversing with some sort of bot.
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  9. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    Over the years, at various spirituality forums, we have read a large number of confessions from practitioners who, after 25 years of meditation, realized that they had not made any progress in developing consciousness, those who had suffered a nervous breakdown due to "raising kundalini" or concentration and visualization, who felt the need to die and disappear, who for decades have been advised by teachers that if they want to progress, they must first erase thoughts* (although teachers themselves have failed in doing so - nor is it possible), without basic knowledge of human energy structure, which in addition to aura, chakras and Soul, encompasses many more energy structures.

    Given the above - the great lack of key information that would lead to the development of meditator's consciousness, we concluded that "someone", someone who controls all aspects of life on the planet - or at least most of the planet, the deliberately subverts to spiritual seekers the techniques of spiritual development which are inherently counterproductive and which do not lead to the development of the meditator's consciousness.

    If you do not agree with this conclusion, then we apologize if someone felt offended by the part of the comments that you singled out.

    * When the meditator closes his eyes (without concentration, visualization, breathing control and body position) he spontaneously relaxes on a physical, emotional and mental level. It is a state of frequency of brain waves of approximately 7 Hz, which allows the Soul of the meditator to begin the process of Recapitulation, the process of uploading, evaluation, classification and storage of daily or past life experiences. This process takes place every night during the sleep process.

    However, if it takes place while a person was in a conscious state of consciousness - during meditation, then this process has a psychotherapeutic effect, because then he releases stress and repressed emotions from those life experiences. When during meditation the thoughts, emotions and physical impression arose, the best thing is not to affect the process at all, because in that case meditator will thereby interrupt, take over and turn it into something that has no therapeutic effect.
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  10. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Seems awfully complicated with an awful lot of verbiage to be non-egoic, and starting from an patently specious premise that this is the one true path to enlightenment makes the rest of it rather suspect.
  11. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    The meditation we have been practicing for the past 20 years is called Soul Meditation and in order to start practicing it, it is necessary to attend spiritual seminars during which physical, emotional, mental and energy (aura, chakras, energy flows ...) healing of spiritual seminar attendees is performed, which lasts an average of 12-18 months (seminars are held every 21 days). Of course, in addition, the necessary prerequisites are a high degree of development of consciousness, which is expressed by positivity, goodwill, developed empathy, lack of desire to possess financial and material values (except necessary) and power in society, lack of desire to control and manipulate people in personal relationships or during social gatherings, creativity, intellectual curiosity ... and the like.

    Therefore, in this discussion and videos we do not promote "our, the only right way", but give an overview of the approach to meditation that is characteristic of all types of non-Ego meditation (because Ego meditations are intrusively present and generally known) and whether this group includes the approaches to meditation that you mentioned in your previous answers, you should evaluate. Based on the above, spiritual seekers should judge for themselves which approach to meditation suits them, which certainly depends on the motives that move them to engage in the development of consciousness.
  12. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    "The meditation we have been practicing for the past 20 years is called Soul Meditation and in order to start practicing it, it is necessary to attend spiritual seminars"...of course it is; each for a nominal fee, of course.

    By way of contrast, vipassana's been practiced for at least 2,500 years.
  13. WhiteDandelion

    WhiteDandelion Members

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    The spiritual seminars we attended lasted 3-4 hours and cost the price of a cinema ticket. Of course, we have the friend who practices Vipasana meditation, as well as those who practice some of the countless techniuqes promoted by teachers who mostly work in US. In any case, anyone chooses the techniuqes that best suites his motives and the structure of consciousness that is unique to each person.

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