Exactly 1324 years ago Benedict Biscop died. Let's all pray in silence for a moment to remember this remarkable man.
He had a long silence on a personal level, but you can be silent for Benedict too. I am not starting a moment of silence, it will be an individual silence, ranging from 1 minute to half an hour or more.
The only thing that comes to mind is his second trip to Rome when he left his wallet at home and did not realize it until he was in the checkout line buying groceries.
That's the new decades view of a born again christian for the certainty that Belief about God is suddenly productive.:2thumbsup:
I can see where that could look like the analogy that you have in mind, but I don't want to mislead you on my intentions. That's not the meaning that I was trying to get across. Sorry about that and no offense intended.
perhaps his life and death would mean something if someone were to mention precisely what was supposed to have been remarkable about him. many remarkable people have been born, lived, and died, every day of every year there have been humans living on earth. many of them within an easy walk of each place where each of us are sitting right now.