On the nature of auspiciousness...

Discussion in 'Hinduism' started by Ajay0, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Below are some sayings on the nature of auspiciousness from various Hindu and Buddhist masters that I have compiled for better understanding of the subject from the perspective of eastern philosophy.

    So from here, we can see that it is the agitated mind that is productive of negative vibrations or inauspicious energies while the equanimious mind is productive of positive ones.

    The Bhagavad Gita states that mental equanimity is yoga and leads to skill in action.

    Awareness or mindfulness comes about in an equanimous mind.

    What agitates the mind is numerous strong desires in the form of cravings and aversions. In an extreme form, these cravings and aversions take on the form of vices like greed, hatred, lust,egoism,inordinate attachments which are the source of all crimes as well devoid of virtue.

    In the enlightened sage, the mind is equanimous at all times, and this results in undisturbed awareness or mindfulness productive of positive vibrations and energies which have a beneficial effect on those around them.

    In a village in my district , there lived a female enlightened master in the last century. This region, in comparison to other regions have a very low crime rate and low incidence of natural disasters which people attribute to the master's grace. Even now one can still feel the positive vibes and auspiciousness over this place and it is now a popular tourist site as well.

    I know of similar other regions which has an auspicious air about it due to the presence of enlightened sages. I think this is the factor that is in work at pilgrimage sites too.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
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  2. NookaTheNook

    NookaTheNook Members

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    Being deceived by the imagination of the mind you can be identifying with something you are not, the moment you are identifying with something you are not then the mind is none stop activity. You are identifying with too many things, if you take away all these identifications you will see you mind become like a mirror, just reflecting everything, you’re mind works best with clarity in it, your mind is here to give you clarity and penetration into life, not a huge ball of confusion, if you identify with too many things you will never stop the mind chatter. It’s not about controlling what you are not, to bring awareness you must create a little distance from the mind, disengage from all identity’s because it’s the mind that manufacturers all those things.
    Ajay0 likes this.
  3. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Very well stated, NookaTheNook. :)

    When there is ignorance of the Self which is our true identity, the insecure ego will then pounce upon all external labels for an identity to anchor upon, and not just for its functional utility.

    The terms Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Indian, European, Russian, American, Arab, Bosnian, Catholic ,Protestant, Shia, Sunni all becomes flags to die for, as the vulnerable ego seeks them as an identity to compensate for lack of self-knowledge.

    Such identities also create a compulsive thinking and emoting process that blurs the Self within more effectively, and seals off the peace and bliss that is synonymous with the Self, creating misery instead in the process.

    The inner misery translates into external misery as well in the long run.
    NookaTheNook likes this.
  4. NookaTheNook

    NookaTheNook Members

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  5. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Here the enlightened master Dada Bhagwan (Ambalal Muljibhai Patel) teaches us of the nature of the Self which is steady by itself. Mental equanimity ensures steadiness of mind that enables the unveiling of the auspicious Self resulting in favorable circumstances.

    Mental agitation and feverishness caused by our uncontrolled desires in the form of cravings and aversions obscures the auspicious Self preventing favorable circumstances from emerging, and creates unfavorable circumstances instead.

    Hence the goal of spiritual exercises like love, compassion, meditation, virtuous conduct and others is the purification of consciousness resulting in auspiciousness.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2024

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