Do you believe the U.S. gov has a damage control protocol in place just in case of any attack, say, on their territory from an unknown attacker(s) to them? Before you answer, give some thought to the mysterious attack which killed JFK, and who was "accused" in it, and the mysterious attacks during 9/11/2001 which some group "claimed" responsibility for. I personally do believe that kind damage control protocol is an act of war against the occult (the supernatural, the mystical), because it can kind of get in the way, for some period, of the occult getting something prominent through to their any occult follower. I also believe the white house was not targeted during 911, due to the obviousness, that Bush was not elected president, but appointed president, and that he was the start to this appointed stuff going on in the U.S.
Do you honestly think the U.S. is the type that would tell the American ppl, that they still have no clue as to who was behind a major attack on U.S. soil? How would that make them look? Make you go, hmm.
What are you on about? Yes I think they are wiser than most give them credit for... the media would have us think everyone in a position of power is an ego-tripping greedy fanatic. So what's your point?
Its hard to find the white house by an airplane. Its covered with trees.. and does not stick out like a sore thumb like the pentagon or wtc. would be like trying to take the planes to times square .. near impossible from view..
I get what you're saying. But I later on began to believe that one of the planes, that certain have said maybe was first being used to try to target the white house, was rather being used in pointing something out about the white house. Yep, by making a gesture via one of the planes over that area. You never know.
Doesn't anyone find it strange, that the orange box in the plane, which chashed in PA, was ALSO not found? What are your thoughts on that? Just to ppl like me, it spells out that the occult must have been the reason the intel gathered on the orange boxes were extremely unwanted. If it was so unknown as to what or who took over those 911 planes, then the unknown would have NOT even have been recordable onto those 911 plane orange boxes. So I believe that the U.S. didn't choose to release any box that would have only revealed that the take over of those 911 planes wasn't even picked up by those typical orange boxes. In my opinion, the U.S. was against the occult via their official story constructed by their U.S. intelligence measures, that were of some kind of damage control protocal. The coming 15th rememberance to 911 may have an big occult meaning, because it hides in it a 6 (an occult symbol for something else, that looks something close to the number six). I follow the occult, is how I learned this.
I don't believe any of the major terrorist attacks have been committed by who we were told. When major terrorist attacks like 9/11 happen, it's because the government was behind it. They didn't let it happen, they made it happen.
I used to believe the gov was behind 911. The reason I now believe the occult was behind 911, and that the U.S. gov was behind the constructed official story (lies put as a means of damage control), is because it seems the reason 911 happened had to do w/ the U.S. changing from having elections of presidents to having appointments of presidents. This is outside of the general american ppls' knowledge, but Castro did reveal this bluntly in an interview around the time Bush got into office, about Bush being not elected but appointed. And it is worst since these appointed presidents put in place as mere faces held in a certain way in the media, aren't even the real deal leaders that stay behind the scenes. In other words, the U.S. gov is decieving many for reasons that can't be good to a minority and/or a majority of the American ppl. This is what the U.S. has moved further into the business of: BAD DECEPTIONS! Why 911? Well, 9 in my occult learning means the mystic more numb to ultimate reality. 11 in my occult learning means the mystical equal opposites (mystical mates). Mystical is also implying not numb are these to ultimate reality (which has to do with euphoria between mates mystical). Take off the "al" on mystical, and you get the person more numb to ultimate reality, the mystic.
nothing can ever be prevented one hundred percent. that's just not the real universe we live in. governments usurped by economic interests might be able to screw up almost as much as if they were gods. but gods they're not. yes there are contingency protocals to deal with pretty much anything imaginable after they happen. most governments have some sort of fall back for people to follow when no one knows what else to do. first responder departments all have their own. now how much all of this does joe citizen any good depends on politics, and the politics of austerity and so called conservatisim could give a shit less about citizen average joe. again that's not a conspiracy. just a fact of life. there's no connection with anything mystical about it. trying to make one is bullshit. people do 'conspire' with each other all the time, and do come up with all kinds of wierd shit. people conspire to get each other to believe things they know nothing about. why they do this is generally ego or boredom.
There are some underworld figures in official capacity that profit from attacks. The thing about the illegal drug market is that the only regulation is secrecy. Every country has people in and out of official capacity with their hand in the cookie jar. Some people just thrive off of anarchy and playing loose with the rules. Some idea of a human God that can fulfill human desires. I seek a higher understanding and a better balance. Not some jack of all trades like most men.
To reply to the op, there are and have been people who's core task is to design contigenty plans. I was told that the highway system was designed to thwart invasion. Miltary leaders go to schools are learn about history and all that they could do in the event of this or that. Takes a lot of lawyers, diplomats and logistical planning. They move weapons all over the world to prepare for possibilities. The right stuff at the right time makes all the difference. Requires a lot of information and that is a challange with terrorism. Terrorism is very much like a criminal organization so informants are a big deal. The biggest challange Isis has is thatcher want to operate like a light image nation. They don't have the strength to pull that off and makes it easier for them to be targeted.