Victims have more rights than the guilty. And more rights than the accused too. But neither has infinite rights. And victims don't have rights like to see the perpetrator abused in prison. Or denied medical care. They may feel that way sometimes. But it's still not right.
Gee, why not just torture the guilty? Prison is bad. I understand desire for retribution but two wrongs don't make it right.
In some cases, the guilty have not only more rights than the victim, but they have ALL the rights and in some cases, the victim becomes the guilty party. If someone breaks into your house and injures themselves, they can sue you for damages as well as pain and suffering, and actually win. No, if you are one of those who are paranoid enough to set traps for intruders, you could be charged with intentional maiming, aggravated battery and a little known but often used in court law known as "Lying in Wait." If you set traps you are intentionally lying in wait for someone to trip it and incur injury. Even if it is only meant to stop them or hold them for police, it is illegal.