To atheists and fellow seculars out there, about respect for others' religion, look at it this way. The UN has a rule. About when foreign ambassadors visit a country. Sometimes a foreign country is very anti-American. And it's no different when the ambassador visits us. Down with the US, this is what is wrong with the US, he will say. And worse. But the UN says, when they play our national anthem, he certainly is supposed to remove his hat. And stand. "Aliens stand at attention" I believe is what that rule says. Then when the anthem is over, and he sits down again, he can go back to berating our country. See how that works?
Up to a point. Some beliefs are simply evil or dangerous--e.g., those Nazis who marched in Nashville last Saturday, during Black History Month. Nazism is an evil ideology, regardless of how the believers feel about it. Trump was wrong when he said there were "very fine people on both sides" of the "Unite the Right" rally. Most Nazis are ignorant or psychologically messed up, so we might consider those to be mitigating circumstances: hate the sin, love the sinner. But the appropriate emotion for them would be pity, not respect!
It's very simple, I'll respect people's religious or unreligious beliefs as long as they don't try to shove it down others throats, as justification to harm and oppress others.
I DO NOT respect the beliefs of the current state of the republican party or their so-called leader. I don't respect the cowards, the liars the sell outs or ANY BODY---- that can admire and / or vote for such a waste of humanity as trump.
I don't have to respect anyone's beliefs. The last time we treated Fascism with respect, as just another equally valid philosophy in the panoply of ideas, 75 million people were killed. A gentlemanly "agree to disagree" is reserved for things like sports teams and pizza toppings, not basic human rights and the survival of democracy.